May 2, 2014

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May 2, 2014

Jackie's POV

I walked into Photography with Evan as always, but with the rule and everything we can't hold hands. It's hard not to in the halls and in front of everyone else. I took my seat. The teacher did role call quickly then got right to it. This is one of my favorite classes, and he's one of my favorite teachers. He's really nice to everyone, and he try's to help everyone. He got to me last. He picked up my picture and looked at it.

"From me to you. You and Evan are more than room mates, right?" I slowly nodded. "I won't rat you out." He continued to look at my picture. "You can see in his eyes. He loves you, but he thinks you know too much about him." He whispered in my ear then patted my shoulder. I could see Evan glaring at him.


Evan and I are now sitting on his bed. Then it happened.

"What did Mr. Mizak say to you?" He didn't look at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't be dumb. I saw he whispered something in your ear. What did he say?"

"He told me how he liked my picture." I lied.

"Don't you fucking lie to me!" Then he slapped me across the face. "What did he really say?" He yelled at me. I held my face.

"I already told you." I seemed to shrink in size. I curled myself in a all, waiting for the next attack. Then it came. Full force and brutal. He punched me in the gut. I fell on the floor, writhing in pain.

"Tell me!" He stood up and kicked me. I crawled up on my bed trying to get away from him. "Fine! Run away from all your problems! That's probably why you cut! To run from your problems instead of dealing with them!" He just sat there. Not moving a mussel. He got this look on his face like he just realized what he did.

"I'm sorry." I wouldn't let him touch me. When he came towards me I flinched away. Then he got angry again. He punched me in the gut again, and slapped me multiple times. My face was wet and red now. I held my stomach as I got up. I quickly grabbed what I needed and ran. I ran all the way to the girls bathroom. He would never follow me in here. I locked the door then went over to the sink. I started to slit my arms again. This time I didn't do it slowly, and just a couple times. I did it anyplace I found empty on my arm.

To think I'd been a lot better too. I was starting to talk to people more. I hadn't cut in at least a month. I was even eating again. I actually looked healthy. Well there goes all my progress. I need to get away from here. But I can't...

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