October 17, 2013

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October 17, 2013

Niall's POV

I headed home after a long day of interviews. Jackie hasn't written in three days. I got my mail, and headed inside my home. I threw the mail on the coffee table as I came in my house. I ran upstairs to change into shorts. After making a quick meal for myself I sat in the living room with a cop show on. I slipped my shoes off and pulled my feet up on the couch next to me.

After finishing my short dinner I went to get up but the pain in my left knee was killing me. Rolling my eyes I limped best I could up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed my knee brace, then headed into the kitchen to get some ice. I filled a big bag with ice, then hobbled back into the living room. I hate that my knee is acting up again. Watch, tonight it's my left knee and tomorrow it's going to be my right knee.

I set my brace on the table, then pulled the stool up to the front of the sofa. I plopped back down and put my leg up with the ice on my knee. It started to slowly numb my knee. I noticed the mail that I still haven't looked through. I reached forward and grabbed it. Bill, some advertisement for a car dealer, bill, another letter from Jackie. I threw the rest of the mail back on the table and opened the letter.

So she's one year younger than me, and he birthday is in a few months. I looked at the picture. It was of both her arms. She has scars going up and down the inside of both arms. Some looked fresh, others looked older. I took my phone out and called Demi.

"Hello?" She picked up at the third ring.

"Hey Demi it's Niall."

"Oh, hey Niall how are you?"

"I'm good. I'm sorry I know it's probably ten am where you are, but I need to ask you something."

"It's fine, I was awake anyway. Go ahead and ask away."

"Your going to think I'm crazy, but in the beginning of last month a fan wrote to me. After the fifth time she sent me a letter I sent one back. We've been writing back and forth to each other. I just found out that she cuts, has mild depression, and she's anorexic. She said she's been cutting since she was fourteen and she's now eighteen. She just sent me a picture of her arms with her letter. On the inside of both of her arms there are scars. New and old. She also told me that the only reasons she's still alive is you, me, and the other lads in my band. She said our music helps her. Warrior is her favorite song. Since you'v been through this I thought you might be able to help. I want to help her but I don't know what I can say or do."

"The only thing I can tell you is to be there for her. People like her, or just people in general, just want to know that someone in their life loves them. They want to feel needed. Don't stop writing to her. Maybe work into the conversation about wanting to meet her. Where does she live?"

"Upstate New York."

"Oh. Well I know you, you'll eventually find a way to meet up with her. When you do meet her hold her tight, tell her how you really feel about her, and never let her go."

"Thank you so much Demi."

Anytime. I don't mean to be nosy, but do you know why she cuts?"

"She said her father yells at her a lot, he hits her, she gets bullied really badly at school, and she feels unimportant and worthless. I told her that she's not worthless, but she won't believe me."

"She won't believe you until you prove it to her. I really gotta go. Thank you for calling though. I miss you, we should hang out some time." I could tell she was crying now. Things like this always get her crying.

"No, thank you for helping me. We should definitely get together. Next time I'm in the states or your in London. Bye Demi."

"Bye Niall." I hung up, and wrote another letter to Jackie.

Dear Jackie,

I'm so sorry that that happens to you. How did he go from just yelling to hitting? It doesn't make sense to me how he can hit his own daughter.

I called Demi just now and we talked for a few minutes. I'm here for you. You can tell me anything, and trust me with anything.


I put it in an envelope. They seemed to be all around the house now. I wanted her to see this as soon as possible. I took the ice off and put my brace on. It's gonna have to work for now. I slipped my shoes back on, grabbed my keys, then headed to the post office.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now