April 6, 2015

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April 6, 2015

Jackie's POV

You can still see Niall's drawing on my arm from last night. I walk into Shamrock Tattoo.

"Hey Cassie, I was wondering if I could get a tattoo?"


"Of course. So who's available right now?"

"Well, Jim is. I can go ask him. What do you wanna get done?"

"My boyfriend drew something on my arm in sharpie, and I just want him to go over it with black."

"Ok I'll be right back." She came back a few minutes later with Jim.

"You can come in my office." I nodded and followed him. He only usually tattoos his friends in his office. He set up his tattoo machine. "So I'm just going over the heart? Not adding anything?"

"Nope just the way it is." He nodded and began after dipping the needle in the ink.

"So why this?"

"My boyfriend drew it on last night."

"What are all these scars from?" Jim is a very forward person. If there's something on his mind, he won't hesitate to say it.

"It's self harm scars. I'v battled with it since I was fourteen."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I see you got a new tattoo." I said trying to take the conversation off of me.

"Ya, Ben did it. You like it?" It's of a skull. Half of the skull is realistic, then the other half is this really cool design that still looks like a skull.

"I love it. It's really cool."

"Thanks." He smiled.


A little over a half hour later he's done. He wrapped it up and he walked me to the door.

"Don't worry about paying, it's on me." He said as we approached the door.

"Thanks Jim. I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded then I headed home. Niall's in for another surprise. He didn't know about my first one, and he didn't know about this one ether. When I got home his Range Rover is in the driveway. I walked up the porch steps after paying the taxi driver. I unlocked the door and Niall's on the sofa, his leg up.

"Your home early." I said taking my shoes off.

"Ya we only had one interview. Where were you anyway?"

"At the shop. I got something."

"Really, what?" He seems excited. I sat next to him. He has his leg out straight. I slowly took off the bandage. He looked so happy to see his heart on my arm permanently.

"What you said about breaking your love got to me. I want to have this on my arm forever." I gave him a small kiss. "I never told you what the saying means did I?" He shook his head no. "Well, as you know, my favorite song by Demi Lovato is Warrior. It's about her struggle through self harm, and how now she's a warrior. So my scars are like my battle wounds, and now I'm a warrior." He smiled. I love his smile. I'm gonna miss it when I go back to America.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now