January 4, 2015

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January 4, 2015

Jackie's POV

I woke up to Niall shaking me. I opened my eyes and the plane wasn't moving anymore. I looked over at him and he has his knee brace on. He must'v put it on while I was asleep.

"We're here." I nodded and followed him off the plane. We got into another car waiting for us, and went strait to the hospital. We signed in and went strait to the doctors office. He introduced himself, but I didn't catch it. We went to do the x-rays in a small room. He covered Niall with this heavy blanket, but left his knee uncovered. He told him to sit still then we left the room. He said that the x-ray beams could cause harm. We headed back to his office for him to explain the procedure.


I headed to the waiting room where Paul is waiting for me. Niall just headed into surgery. The doctor said that it would be a bit bigger than expected. I wasn't really worried before because Niall said it wasn't that big, but now that I know what's going to be happening, and that it is a big deal, I'm kind of worried. It's not like he'll die or anything, it's just his knee, but there is a possibility that it could go wrong. I took Niall's backpack and his phone with me when he left so I set his backpack down in the chair net to me. Paul sat on the other side of me and he was watching the news on the tv on the wall. I put my headphones in and tried to get some sleep. I didn't get much sleep on the plane because of a crying baby. Ironic, I know.


I opened my eyes and checked the time on my phone. I was only asleep for an hour. At least I got some sleep. I looked over to see Paul with a cup of coffee. I got up and put the two backpacks next to Paul.

"I'm going to get something to eat. If something happens just text Niall's phone, I have it."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I'll be fine."

"What if someone recognizes you?"

"I'll only be gone for a few minutes, I'm fine." He nodded and let me go. I remember seeing a Starbucks near the hospital on the ride over here earlier. I walked in and ordered an ice coffee, and a muffin. I'll just bring it back to the hospital to eat, I don't want to be gone for long. Once they called my name I picked it up and drank it on the way back. I noticed some girls look at me, but I didn't think anything of it. I was close to the hospital now and there are three or four girls following me. I put the bag with my muffin and my coffee in my left hand. I took Niall's hat that I'm wearing off, fixed my hair, then put it back on. I stopped to look before I crossed the road, and they started talking loudly. I turned around to look at them and they got excited. I crossed the road and turned around again. They're still following me. One girl was brave.

"Are you Jackie Dunkle?" I stopped walking and turned around.


"We love Niall so much! We think that you two are the cutest couple ever!" I smiled, non of the fans have ever said that to me. They've only ever said mean things to me. "Can we take some pictures?"

"With me?" I was surprised to say the least.

"Of course." I nodded. They each took their phones out. I took a picture with each of them. I took my phone out and opened a new note page.

"If you give me your twitters I'll make sure Niall and I follow you. I do have his phone with me." I laughed a little. They gave me their twitter handles.

"Thank you so much. Where's Niall anyway?" I remembered what Paul told me to say yesterday.

"He's in London. I'm just hear visiting some friends."

"Why do you have his phone then?" Damn it.

"I accidentally took it with me." Niall's phone started buzzing in my pocket. I took it out. "One second." I said to the girls, then pressed the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Jackie, it's Paul. The doctor just came in the waiting room looking for you, he said Niall's out of surgery and they're taking him to a privet room. You want me to wait for you?"

"Ya, could you? I'm just outside, I'll be in in a minute."

"Ok. He'll be waking up soon."

"Ok, I'm coming. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and put his phone back in my pocket.

"I have to go."

"Ok, bye. Could you tell Niall we love him?"

"Sure." I smiled at them then jogged into the hospital. I needed to tell them who I was here to see and they let me up. I grabbed my backpack and Paul took Niall's. We got into his room and he's still asleep. I put my stuff down and held his hand. The doctor walked in and told us that he responded well to it. His knee's shouldn't hurt anymore, and they fixed the problem. He said that Niall could go tomorrow morning. We're probably going to end up leaving at eleven so we get to the airport in time. Paul sat down in another chair and Niall continued to sleep. The look on his face is just too cute, I can't help not to take a picture. I took out my phone and took a picture of his adorable sleeping face. I might post it somewhere later. Just as I'm putting my phone in my pocket he opens his eyes slowly.

"Hey there sleepy head." I smiled down at him.

"Technically I was knocked out." I laughed a little.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not really, I can't even feel it."

"The doctor said it worked, your knees shouldn't hurt anymore. Even though it was bigger than expected, it worked well. You can leave tomorrow morning."

"Good cause this bed is uncomfortable." I smiled and he squeezed my hand back. I'm glad it worked well. I didn't like seeing him in pain because of his knees.

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