January 10, 2015

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January 10, 2015

Jackie's POV

Niall and I have stayed in a lot. He keeps wanting to go out, but I'v talked him into staying put. He needs to rest or his knee won't heal properly. The guys have already been y to see him. They were actually here for a whole day. I was glad, Niall seemed down before. Right now we're just sitting on the couch. My head is on his shoulder and he's breathing evenly. I'm pretty sure he fell asleep. I'm not checking though, I'm afraid if I move he'll wake up. Just then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door. Ben Winston stood in front of me. I haven't met him yet, and I guessing the woman standing with him is his wife.

"Hello. You must be Jackie." I extended my hand to shake his.

"And you must be Ben and Meredith."

"Is Niall home?"

"Ya he's in the living room." I opened the door for them to walk in. When I got into the living room he was awake now, Ben and his wife sat on the other connected part of the couch. I sat down next to Niall. Ben and Niall started talking. Mostly about the surgery, and how he was doing.

"We just stopped by to give you these, and see how you were holding up." He set down some flowers, candy, and something I couldn't quite see.

"I'v got Jackie here so I'm doing good. Thank you for the flowers, grapes, and sweets. I give ya a hug, but she doesn't let me get up."

"I never said you couldn't get up, I just think you should rest." Niall held my hand.

"I know babe." Ben bent down and gave Niall a hug, then Meredith, then they said goodbye. When they left I took the flowers in the kitchen to get a vase for them. When I brought them back out Niall was asleep again. Lazy boy. I set them down on the coffee table and sat next to him again. He shifted in his sleep so his head is on my shoulder. I pulled my knees up to my chest, and wrapped my arms around him. I started to play with his hair. I'm do damn lucky to have him. Anyone in the world would be lucky to have him.

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