January 3, 2015

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January 3, 2015

Niall's POV

I'v decided to go through with the knee surgery. I have to go to America to get it done, but that shouldn't be a problem. I talked to Jackie about it and she said she wants to come with me. I called Paul last night and he agreed to come too. He's driving me from the airports to the planes, and he'll be security if anything happens. I'm not saying anything on twitter about it, I'm only telling the lads and a few close friends.

I packed last night and Jackie's upstairs packing. She waited to do it this morning, she said it wouldn't take long. I'll only be there maybe two days at the most. I looked out the window in time to see Paul pull up the driveway. I turned the tv off and unplugged my phone.

"Babe, Paul's here!" I yelled up the stairs as I slipped my phone into my pocket. She came downstairs with a small backpack on. What the hell was she doing up there if that's all she has? I picked up my backpack and slipped it on. I didn't have a lot to bring. The plane ride will be eight hours long, so we're leaving at five. We'll arrive at the hospital at around noon tomorrow. I'm getting the surgery done tomorrow night, then they'll probably keep me there for an extra day or two. I headed outside with Jackie right by my side. I locked the door behind us.

"You have everything you'll need?" She asked as we walked to Paul's black SUV.

"Ya, you?"

"Ya. I brought my charger and headphones too, just in case." I nodded then held the back door open for her. I'm sitting up front with Paul because he wants to go over some stuff with me. I put my bag between my legs, then buckled up. Paul started towards the airport.

"So if when we get there and someone notices you just keep walking. I know you want to meet them and take pictures, but we won't have time to. We go from the airport right to the hospital. At the hospital their going to take ex-rays to see what they need to do, they'll explain the procedure to you, then you'll go into surgery. They said they wanted to keep you there for one day, then we can leave at one and get on a plane back."

"Ok, where are you and Jackie through all this at the hospital?"

"I'll be in the waiting room through it all, and if you want Jackie can go up with you for the ex-ray and the explanation. When they start though she has to come in the waiting room with me." I looked back at her.

"I'll go in with you if you want." She spoke up. She's been very quiet through all this. I smiled then turned back around. I reached around and held her hand. When we arrived at the airport and there was no fans. We got on the plane all right. I sat next to Jackie, and Paul sat behind us. She put her headphones in and looked out the window as we took off. I pulled out one of her headphones and put it in my ear instead. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. I could hear Ed Sheeran's voice in my ear. I didn't know she liked his music. I can't wait to land tomorrow. Well, technically tomorrow.

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