December 26, 2014

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December 26, 2014

Jackie's POV

I woke up and Niall isn't next to me. Niall's parents let us share a bed. I was surprised they let us, but in their words, Niall's twenty one now he can make his own decisions. I got out of bed and snuck downstairs. I could her two people talking in the kitchen. I'm not usually a nosy person, but I honestly wanted to hear what they were talking about. I hid behind a wall.

"I like her." Maura said. "I think she's lovely. I'm so glad you agreed to bring her with you. Why were you so cautious about us meeting her?"

"She was afraid you guys would see the scars on her arms. She doesn't really like to show them off to just anyone. She really trusts you guys." I decided to walk in. I didn't want to listen to them talk about me anymore. I'm not the type of person to be in the spotlight. Which is funny because my boyfriend always seems to be in the spotlight.

"Morning beautiful." I stood next to Niall at the counter. He rested his arm around my waist and kissed my temple.

"Morning leprechaun." I smiled at him. I noticed that Maura was smiling at our conversation.

"Not that I want you guys gone. But when are you guys going back to London?"

"We might go tomorrow. I wanna show Jac where I grew up." I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. I have to talk to him later about my job choices.


"Niall it's beautiful." I whispered. He took me to this huge hill. From the top you could see the whole valley and it's breath taking. We've just been walking around town for the past few hours. I can't believe he grew up here. I can't believe he wanted to show me, of all people, where he grew up.

"Let's go back."

"Ok. Hey I want to talk to you later." He nodded.

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