January 30, 2014

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January 30, 2014

Jackie's POV

I woke up and did my normal routine. Take shower, get ready, wait for Evan, then walk to class together. But today something seemed off. I don't know what, but it felt weird.

I got a job as a waitress at an Italian Steakhouse. It's a nice job, and it pays good too. Since I don't really sleep much anymore I work after school from four to whenever I want to. Evan knows I have this job, but Niall doesn't yet.

I sat down in my assigned seat as Mr. Runn started the class. It seemed pretty normal. He's kinda boring though. Like you know how some teachers just have a voice that could put you to sleep? He has one of those. I looked up at Evan and, sure enough, he was asleep. I knew he would eventually. He got in later than me and I got in at two in the morning.

He sits in front of me so I took out a piece of paper, wadded it up in a ball, and when the teacher wasn't looking I chucked it at the back of his head. He shot up like a bullet and looked around. His eyes landed on me. I mouthed 'stay awake' to him and he smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He turned back around.


Earlier during lunch I went and got Naill's letter. Right now it's three forty five and I'm getting ready for work. I'v had this job for three days, but this is the first time Evan will see what I have to wear for work. He's out in the hall right now because I am not changing in front of him.

I have to wear a black corset, a really short black skirt with black fishnet stockings. A lack blazer, and black heels. The heels aren't too tall. I French braided my hair, then put on the black fedora I have to wear. I usually don't wear makeup, but for this job I'm going to.

When I finished getting dressed I opened the door a little and told Evan he could come in. He came in and shut the door behind him. His eyes widened as soon as he saw me, and he kept looking me up and down.

"Do you really have to wear that for work? Like all the other girls wear that exact same thing?" He finally spoke.


"Wow. Aren't you gonna get hot in that blazer?" That reminded me I better take off the bracelet that Evan gave me. We aren't aloud to wear stuff like that while working.

"Well the other girls push the sleeves up to their elbows, but I'm keeping them down." I looked don at the floor. Evan came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. He does that sometimes. When I'm sad, or just not really happy, he'll hug me. When we pulled apart I got out my Polaroid camera.

"Can you take two pictures? I wanna send one to my pen pal, then I wanna keep the other one." I asked him handing over my camera.

"Sure." I stood a little bit away from him and posed. He took two then handed them to me. I thanked him then put them away. I picked up Niall's letter, said goodbye to Evan, then left with my coat in one hand and keys in the other. I folded the letter in half and stuck it in the inside pocket of my blazer. My boss wanted us there a little early because he wanted to talk to us about something. Something about a change? I slipped my coat on then got in my truck to head to work. When I got there I went in the back and my boss started. Looks like I was the last one to arrive.

"Ok girls. Usually we have one girl up front to show people to tables, and the rest of you are waitresses. Tonight I wanna try something different. One girl will be upfront. When someone walks in you show them to their table, and your their waitress until they leave. Then the next girl does the same thing. I just want to try something different. Thanks girls." We all left and took turns being up front like suggested.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang