October 8, 2013

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October 8, 2013

Jackie's POV

The other day Niall DMed me and told me that he would like to answer my questions and write back to me if I put a return address on it. I won't be able to do that. I could always set up a p.o. box. I wrote a quick letter to Niall.

Dear Niall,

I got your DM and I wanted to write you another letter to explain. Remember the questions I asked you on the letter dated September 28th? Would you mind answering those? I'm just curious.

You can ask me questions too. I'll make sure to answer them.

I can't put my return address on it because of my dad. If he sees the letters then I'll be in some deep shit. I'll go to the post office tomorrow after school and set up a p.o. box. I'll put that on here.

Love always,

I put it in the envelope and wrote Niall's name on it. I won't put the return address on it until tomorrow. I slipped it into my backpack to send tomorrow.

Dear Niall {A Niall Horan Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now