Chapter 76

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Kezia stormed down the stairs into the living room. How could he do the this! She thought. He could have atleast given her a heads up but noo she just had to hear it from Skai.
"Damiun Moore!"

"Yes honey?"

She heard his voice from the kitchen and she immediately got aggravated with his sweet words.

"Don't honey me!You go and cut your hair without saying anything!"

"I'm sorry babe I know you would never allow me to cut it cuz I know how you like to pull on it when we're-"

"Stopp I'm suppose to be mad at you"

She giggled he embraced her.

"Look I got you something"

He pulled out a paper bag out of his pocket and she stood patiently waiting for him to hand it to her.

"I'm still mad at you so don't think your sliding off so easy"

He laughed and kissed her on the tip of her nose.
She gasped when she saw the golden bracelet shinning when the sun hit it.

"Its soo pretty......Dont tell me you spent a ton of money on this?"

She looked at him with raised eyebrow.

"Let's not study about price right now. You should know that I don't care about price when it comes to you and Skai"

She sighed when she knew she was going to give in.

"By the way why did you get me a gold bracelet just out of the blue?"

He ran his hands behind his newly shaved hair and laughed lightly.

"Y-you know to get you off my back with mah new haircut"

She rolled her eyes.

"You didn't have to do that you know I would have had to get accostum to it anyway"

She shrugged her shoulders.
Damiun gave a fake gasp.

"So you mean to tell me that I wasted money for nothing"

She punched his shoulder and laughed along as well.

"I gotta say your rocking it. You suit both"

She ran her hands across his head and lightly massaged it.

"Thanks babe"

He leaned in for a kiss and she accepted willingly.
They slowly pulled away.

"I'm gonna have to see how to get accustom to fucking you without your hair"

Damiun smirked.

"Well you know what they say practice makes perfect"

"How bout we practice now"

He pulled her even closer so that she could feel his bulge.

"I ain't complaining"


Hey guys I'm back. Hope you like his chapter. It's short but that's all I could have squeezed in . Had a busy week.


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