Too much Drama but memories to treasure.

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I'm disappointed in myself. I knew that this town made everything difficult. When I first arrived here I was so full of sarcasm I even thought my head was going to explode. I mean i was sassy and i enjoyed it. But after i stayed here for a while I finally realized the effect the town and these people have on you. It seems i would rather hear who is dating who that watch the next episode of doctor who or supernatural. I've started to care how i look around people, cough cough Elijah... And maybe klaus. I've been wearing makeup lately, I never noticed I was changing until I looked in the mirror and couldn't recognize myself. I never wear makeup unless of important events and even then i don't care what people think of me.

I'm done. I don't want to change. I loved waking up in the morning and smiling just because I had slept past noon or because I knew I could sass out my brothers. Everything has gotten too dramatic. There is too much drama. I've even started to notice that people talk with their hands too much. There's nothing wrong with it. But every move people made was as though they were competed for it to be in the spot light next.

Everyone was hungry for attention. Even me, I'll admit it. And it was low and selfish of me to give in to that.

I sat down on the couch and looked at one of the book cases just thinking. Remember everything that's happened.

"We need your help." Stefan said as he took the phone.

"Wait wait wait... You two are in the same room. No same town and one of you are not dead... I'm impressed what do you need."

"Come back to mystic falls and we'll fill you in." Damon said.

"Ha, your kidding right? Mystic falls? I hate that hell whole." I said

"Elena wait up." I called out as she looked around for her car. She turned to look at me

"Why are you here?" She asked confused.

"I was bored... "I looked her over again. " here let me help."

"Why?" She took a step back.

"Because you are bleeding."

"I thought you hated me?"

"A little. But it's nothing against you just that my brothers are falling for a girl who looks like the other one when we were human and was the reason we became vampires. But like I said nothing against you."

I looked at elena. "So what did I miss?"

"Elijah, original, doppelganger, klaus, scary, powerful, and death." Elena said somewhat calmly

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and the woman and who I assume to be elijah walked in.

Oh. My. God. How is that fair? He was hot. I mean really really hot. Beautiful beautiful beautiful man. I'm getting horny as a teenager right now and he hasn't done anything.

"You have know idea?"

"That's what I said. I tend to do things without actual thinking, plus you woke up before I could thing of anything." I laughed out loud at that memory. A smile stretched across my face and  couldn't see myself doing anything else today except this, I was okay with this.

"What about the vervain?"

"She lives with vampires or is with them 24/7 so I gave her some to have in her instead of just around her neck."

"Aww. Someone is growing soft."

"Ha. Your the one to talk." I said hanging up my phone before he could say anything else.

And what did I do in this time? While everyone did stupid things?

Laugh my a** off eating ice cream and going through my brothers alcohol as everything was going down around me. Ahhh mystic falls, the town with enough drama to last millions of years and still not solve anything. Ah this reminds me of the time I sat on Jenna's porch and waved at Elijah when he came over when I was supposed to stop him. Ah memories.

Or the time I walked into  the cave Stefan was trapped in.

Stepping out of the house at the dinner party.

The tour with my sexy tour guide.

Smacking Damon upside the head.

The dance oh God the dance.

abort abort. Have been spotted. escape before lecture comes. I looked around to see Klaus and went for it.

Caroline turned around to look at Matt and I was gone. I stopped Klaus from were he was walking to and hid behind him.

"Shh stay still." I said when Klaus tried to turn around.

"Where'd Clara go?" Caroline said looking around I pushed my self closer to klaus to make sure I was hidden. "Alaric have you seen clara?"Caroline asked.

"Can't say I have." Klaus said and Caroline walked away. I let out a sigh of relief and let go of klaus.

I'm still not a big one on dances. A lot of people  say they are no fun. But those people never really dance. Granted  i dont any more either. The best you'll ever  get is a couple twirls here  and there.  But Besides that, no. I don't  do dances anymore.

"Hey clara I need your help with something." Caroline said walking into the house.

"And what's that?"  I Asked.

"The school dance coming up." She said while giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Ask rebekah."


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