Let's Talk!

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Hello everyone!

I know I have been a passive author, I don't communicate much through the comments and such... and even in other social networking sites. Sigh.

I guess, I'm just too shy to talk here (tbh, I'm really loud in person. Idk, what happens on the internet)

So I thought, I should go and talk more to find new friends online.

It was quite hard for me here, bcoz idkw I am not notified with the new messages and I can only see very few comments/votes notifications (what's wrong with the app really? 😣😥) even it was quite a number. Unless when I use my PC, that's the only time I could check them all.

You could type below your accounts, just label what SNS it is ㅋㅋㅋ. So I could go follow/send a request to you.

I would really try my hardest to be loud! HAHA. Please do talk to me~

P.S. I'll be updating a Mark Imagine soon... a little more and it's done 😊😊 wait for it!!

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