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mr. min, the coach blew his whisle and the server got ready.

winwin was the server.

he was disappointed since he wanted to be on the same team as y/n.

winwin served the ball, and most of the girls tried to avoid it but y/n bounced it back.

yuta, being athletic also managed to return it to the girls who cowered in fear because of his force.

y/n, who had a stoic expression this whole time didn't let them gain a point either as she blocked yuta's attack.

everyone looked at her in shock.

even the coach and yuta himself.

"fighting y/n!" winwin cheered for her and the boys glared at him but he brushed them off.

since everyone was distracted, none  of the boys caught the ball and it landed on the floor.

"1-0!" the coach yelled and the girls began to feel more confident with
y/n's help.

"i never knew y/n was so good at sports!" a girl exclaimed.

the game continued and both teams became more serious.

it ended in a draw, 12-12 with y/n earning most points for the girls and yuta and ten for the boys.

"great game everyone! this is what i wanted to see. teamwork!" mr. min shouted and told everyone to get changed.

in the locker room, the girls praised
y/n for her atheletic abilities, asking how she was so fast.

"i used to play sports when i was younger." y/n said with a straight face.

"i admire you so much! i heard you're the smartest in our school too. let's be friends ok? i'm yomi, a 1st year by the way." she said hugging y/n.

y/n stood there in silence and yomi apologized since they were both only in their bra when she hugged her.

"nice pair you got there." yomi said pointing to y/n's chest.

"why thanks." y/n said on a low voice as she put her uniform back on.

meanwhile in the boy's locker room, the guys were complaining about how they could have won if it weren't for y/n.

"i never knew she was this good at volleyball." a boy commented.

"me too, i thought she was just brains and books but who knew." another one added.

"y/n is more than what you think so don't underestimate her." yuta told them.

"yeah, she's so nice too." ten smiled.

"a real angel." winwin spoke to himself thinking of the girl.

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