lee taeyong

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when lee taeyong received a phone call from jisung, he was actually crying in his sleep but quickly picked it up as if nothing happened.

he dreamed about that night when he witnessed you forcing yourself to eat those sleeping pills. they were lethal to him, and he wanted to stop you but when he reached you, you had already passed out from an overdose.

not knowing what to do, he checked if you were alive. he had never experienced anything like this so he carried you to the hospital.

at the hospital, he noticed it was the girl who had captured his interest back in his first year of high school.

why would she try to commit suicide?

he wondered with worry because although he seemed to have a crush on her, he didn't know anything about her.

honestly, this was when his feelings for you changed from an infatuation to something serious. the cold girl whom he once saw was sitting on the hospital bed, bawling her eyes out. he didn't dare to approach the female.

once he made sure you were safe, he went back home, trying to come up with a way to get closer to you.

when the new school year started, he always kept an eye on you. of course, he didn't stalk you but observed you when you were in his sight. he wanted to make sure you weren't going to hurt yourself anymore.

the day he saved jisung, he learned a lot about why you were so cold to people who you first met but was kind to those considered family.

he felt bad for what happened to your parents so he avoided talking in front of you. just watching you smile even if it was small was enough to reassure him you were getting better.

"hel-" taeyong answered but jisung cut him off.

"hyung, you have to come to the hospital right now! my sister spoke!" he exclaimed, taking taeyong aback. despite the shock, he quickly put his sneaker on, ran out the house ignoring his sister who asked where he was running off to.

taeyong ran into the hospital, not even bothering to go to the nurse to confirm his visit.

he rushed into the elevator, repeatedly pressing the floor you were on. he didn't even wait for other people to get on, leaving them outside the elevator.

once he arrived on to your room, he swung the door open, hoping to see you awake.

to his disappointment, y/n was still in slumber.

taeyong approached the bed you were on,
"how is she?" he asked, looking at jisung.

the younger male replied,
"she's been calling your name repeatedly. i think only you can bring her back."

taeyong blushed and caressed your cheeks with his cold hands. your skin was warm since you had been well taken cared of.

"hyung, are you perhaps...... the person who found my sister when she almost died?"
jisung's next question made him freeze on spot. he thought no one else knew about that night.

"the doctor told us noona overdosed on pills a few months ago, on the last day of school. that person who saved her was you right?"

reluctantly, taeyong nodded because he couldn't deny the truth any longer. he had been hiding it away in his mind but jisung guessed right. taeyong glanced at y/n, was still calling him.


"i fell in love with y/n at first sight twice. the first time, it was because she ignored me and seemed different from other girls.

the second time, when she was near death, i knew i should have pursued her. i really regretted it because i thought, what if she doesn't make it? however, she made it so i was really happy. over the summer, i reflected on my life and wanted to court her if i crossed paths with her again."

taeyong told jisung and your grandma who listened tentatively to his honest words.

taeyong saved not only y/n, but jisung so the siblings really owed him a life debt. however, he wasn't someone who would use those for his selfish wishes. even if he was a player whom people despised, he had a heart just like everyone else. he saved them because it was human nature to do so.

"hyung, thank you. for rescuing my sis-"
jisung began to thank him but was cut off when he saw y/n's eyes open. there were tears in her eyes but she woke up!

"y/n, you've woke up!" g/n exclaimed, rushing to the other side. taeyong was surprised as well as he stared at you in awe.

what if you heard everything he said?
how embarrassing that would be for him.

he was speechless and stood there like a statue.

"noona, did you know taeyong saved you when you did something stupid?" jisung lightly hit her arm, crying tears of joy.

y/n was crying yet she smiled gently at taeyong who almost fainted from how pure she looked.

"i remember the first time we met, i really didn't like you." y/n spoke, but she wasn't trying to diss him.

"although i had to admit, you were handsome, so it was no wonder girls fell over heels for you." she continued, causing taeyong to let out a snicker.

"you never did though." he told her, and y/n nodded slowly.

"to me, appearance doesn't matter. what matters is on the inside. lee taeyong, you're a great guy, and you deserve someone better. not this girl who was dumb enough to like her half-brother, forgetting so many memories because she was scared." y/n said, making jisung and their grandma frown.

"no, park y/n is enough for lee taeyong. there may be girls out there who are better looking, more intelligent, and skilled but i don't want them. i want the best one in my heart." he spoke, drying his tears away, and smiling at you.

"as long as you're willing to give me a chance, i can accept all your past mistakes if you can accept my mistakes as well." he added as jisung whispered for his sister to date the guy already.

"alright. i'm giving you permission to be my boyfriend and hopefully future husband." y/n agreed, feeling her heart beat rapidly.

taeyong's smile widened as he politely bowed to you grandma, asking for your hand.

"grandmother, i, lee taeyong ask for your blessings to be with y/n." he knew he sounded cheesy but it was the only way to show he wasn't playing around.

"we'll leave you lovers alone." jisung moved himself away from you and gestured for his grandma to come as well.

"i hope everything works out." she told you before smiling at taeyong, giving him her blessings.

"so....." taeyong started, breaking the silence in the room.

"you don't find me repulsive?" y/n asked but taeyong shook his head, touching her forehead.

"the opposite actually." he replied, leaning towards her face, making their lips touch.

y/n was surprised at first but she kissed him back, willing to give him a chance.

End: Lee Taeyong

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