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y/n woke up first the next day and nearly tripped when she got off the couch. the boys were sprawled out on the floor and it was hard to avoid stepping on them.

jisung and haechan were drooling on mark as they snored loudly. ten and yuta were fighting for the blanket with poor winwin in the middle. taeil and doyoung ended up sleeping farther apart while taeyong was cursing in his sleep. jaehyun was also sleep talking about cooking or something.

y/n let out a tiny smile as she tried to get to the bathroom upstairs. after washing her face, she brushed her teeth and took a cold shower which really woke her up.

thinking of yesterday, y/n thought,

"if jungyeon was alive, would she be happy i made new friends?"

stepping out the bathtub, y/n grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body.
drying her hair with another towel, she changed into a new set of clothes before going out to see the males had also woken up.

"good mornin noona." heachan yawn as he waited for the downstairs bathroom.

"you can use the one upstairs if someone's in there."  she told him and he thanked her, rushing up the stairs.

y/n smelled a nice aroma and went to her kitchen. jaehyun and taeyong were cooking breakfast even though she planned to.

she knew jaehyun could cook but taeyong?
the player who broke many girls' hearts was actually cooking!

"need any help?" she spoke up and taeyong looked up from cutting vegetables.
he stared at her with his poker face and replied,

"can you wash these?"
he handed her a bowl of carrots and y/n went to the sink.

jaehyun was cutting the meat but he kept stealing glances at y/n.

"in the future, what if we were married?"

he started to imagine life with her and forgot about what he was doing, cutting himself with the knife.

"yoonoh, you're bleeding!" y/n's voice filled with worry as she reached for his hands. she grabbed the napkins and wrapped it around his finger.

"wait here, i'll go get the first aid kit."
y/n rushed to the cabinet and took out the plastic box. all the bandages and gauze pads were kept in there along with saline.

"i have to disinfect it first." she used took out a cotton ball and soaked it with the saline before dabbing it on jaehyun's cut.

"it's ok you don't have to do all this." he insisted but y/n kept her eyes on his hands without listening to his words.

taeyong watched them from afar, his gaze burning with jealousy but he calmed down.

"they're neighbors, it's normal for her to care about him."

he continued cutting the vegetables and wished he got cut so she would take care of him like that.

"all done." y/n finished wrapping the bandage and told him to be more careful. she'll cut the meat so he can go rest.

jaehyun refused saying he wanted her to taste his meals. the two bickered until  doyoung walked in and told them to stop.

"you two are so childish. i just want a bottle of water but you guys are blocking my way." he complained and jaehyun gave up, leaving to the living room where the other boys were chilling.

"thank you." doyoung said with an attitude before returning as well.

y/n finished cutting the meat and gathered the seasonings.

"are you done with the meat?" taeyong asked from where he stood and y/n shook her head.

"i just have to season it."

she added the salt and pepper, as well as other seasonings to make it taste better.

"can you go get the pot from over there?" she pointed to the cabinet near taeyong and he took it out.

taeyong added oil to the pot and let it heat up before adding the meat. after the meat was half cooked, he added the vegeatbles and water. they simmered it for 20 minutes while y/n scooped rice into plates for everyone.

"breakfast is ready." taeyong called and the guys started filing in like a bunch of soldiers waiting to get their meal.


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating for a whole month. I just started high school so I have a lot of work to do already. 😭😭😭

Lol but don't worry. I will try to write more chapters so that I won't fall behind.
Updates will probably be every Saturday from now since I have school during the weekdays. I get home at around 3:30 each day and I have lots of home work due but I will take the time to write this for you guys. Thank you so much for supporting me because it means a lot to me!

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