Stage one

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Pain filled my every bone. It all happened so fast, I couldn't tell what happened.

" Argh!" I groaned, and as I tried to get was for sure my arm was possibly dislocated. A pain in my head messed up my sight, and everything seemed a total mess. I felt something wet at my fingertips.

I was able to see it, but it was bright scarlet red...


" Are you okay?"

I heard a voice call out to me, and as I turned look at her. She seemed so familiar, but I couldn't tell who she was.

" Are you..." I mumbled softly, my body beginning to drift away.

" Look, just stay with me..I'm going to get you help...What's your name?" she said,trying to keep me awake.

My name......Which one? I threw away my birth name...then he took over...

" I don't know..." I mumbled as I begin shutting down.

" Hey, hey! Don't die on me got that!"

The girl's voice began to disappear within the ruckus. I could hear the ambulance screaming, and the screams of people.

So much for watching my back, but I suppose this was long overdue....I'm ready now, I'm done fighting for a better life...I'm done...there's nothing left for me in this world...

I deserve to die...after all the trouble I cause.....I was a mistake in the world's equation.

I hurt too many people...Mimi, Misty, Yoko....Jinx...

" I'm sorry...." I whispered before everything turned black...

It had been a few years since the SAO incident had happened, and many of the survivors had moved on with their lives.

As for the's dark times are over, and now people are able to play without strings, or souls attached.

For some it rings a dark memory, but for people like me....

It's a place to escape...








" Waaa..Waaaa."

The rain poured down on the busy street. People rushing to get from point A to point B. Everything seemed to normal besides the rain.

There in a box though, on the side of one of those streets, was something precious. Something that shouldn't had been left there. Has it's mother forsaken it?

The cries of the infant was deafened by the rain, but a savior had come to heed it's call.

A young man stumbled upon the box, and he turned to look at what was crying. His face froze.

There within was a small baby, small tufts of red hair, and his eyes an unusual blue color. He was so small, to the point the man was surprised it's lived this long.

Quickly, he picked him up, and ran off into the distance.

Some might say that that baby will never remember that day, but little do they know that; that day would be the epicenter of that baby's hate towards this world.






" Morning, Aiko!"

One of the boys said, running down the hallway.

" Oh, morning.." Aiko said, a bit a stress in his voice. He did not turn to look at the boy.

" Yo, man! What's up with you?" the boy said, peeking over Aiko.

" Shh, I'm trying to study." he hissed softly back at him. " Rigel, seriously...I can't talk right now, this test is what's going to determine my future."

This time the boy turned, and his red bangs revealed his deep blue eyes.

" Come on, always act like every test is going to determine your future." Rigel huffed.

" Well, it is." Aiko said, turning back to his notes.

" Look, you were first on that test...again. What more do you want?" Rigel scoffed.

Aiko sighed, and turned towards Rigel one last time. " Look...unlike have a better chance at getting a future...As for me; I need to actually work hard."

Rigel looked at him confused, and then sighed. " Look just because you're an orphan doesn't mean that you have no future."

" Possibly, but it would be more logical to keep up the good grades."

The bell then rung, and Aiko jumped to his feet.

" Argh! See what you made me do! I'm going to be late now!" he yelled, grabbing his notes, and then running down the hallway.

" The bell just rang to-ah never mind!" Rigel yelled back.

After school...

" Hey, Aiko, how did it go?" Rigel asked trying to keep up with Aiko.

He turned to the boy, and sighed. " I'm pretty sure I missed two on that! Darn it!"

" Aiko, you said that about the last test, I'm certain you got a perfect score." Rigel sighed.

Aiko then turned to him and slightly smiled.

" Hey, so I'm joining some friends tonight, and we going to ALO, care to join?" he smiled.

He shook his head. " I got test to do,'s a stupid game anyway." he huffed. " Later, Rigel."

" Oh, later then.."

The doors opened to a large building on the street corner. The sound of creaking broke the silence.

" Mrs. Hakuki, I'm home.." he yelled, closing the door behind him.

A older woman came from the back room, and smiled softly at him.

" Oh, Aiko! I'm so glad you're home, there's someone that wants to meet you." she smiled.

His blue eyes widen. " Um...Okay.."

" Here, come." she said, as she took his hand and brought him to the meeting room. " Aiko, this is the Ryuu family."

There in front of him was a family of three. A father and there was a mother.

Aiko began to blush a bit. " Hello, my names Aiko." he bowed down in respect.

" Hello, Aiko..You can call me Mrs.Ryuu, and I know this might be hard to understand, but.." she glanced at Mrs. Hakuki.

" What is it?" he asked, confused.

" Aiko, this nice couple is a part of our foster program, and they want to foster you for a while." Mrs. Hakuki smiled.

He gasped in shock. " You mean I go to a home?"

The father and mother smiled.

" Yes, we would love to have you, if you don't mind sharing a house with our daughter of course." she smiled. 

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