Stage 11

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" Hiya, Sweeties!"

" Argh, Hey!" I hissed, trying to get Esmeralda off me.

" Hey Es!" Misty giggled, waving at the short pink haired girl. Esmeralda giggled back, and waved.

" have you guys been? I haven't seen you around for awhile." she said, still having her arms wrapped around me.

" Well, we've been busy with some things, and we've been traveling around the different homelands." Mimi explained, smiling.

" Oh...interesting!" she smiled back. " So...I have a question." she said.

Misty nodded her head, signaling her to continue.

" I want to take some time off performing, and go out and fight battles with you all." she cheered.

" What?" I gasped sharply, as she kept hugging me tighter. " Let go, I can't breath!" I hissed.

She didn't listen. " So will you let me join you band?"

Misty and Mimi both exchanged grins, and then nodded their heads. " Yes!"

I growled, and turned away. " Wait, can you even fight?" I asked.

Es looked at me, and quickly she pulled out a strange whip, and in a flash destroyed a creature from the left of me.

I stood there in a bit of shock as the flash of wind moved me a bit.

Esmeralda pulled in her whip and smirked at me with glittering eyes. " I"m not just a dancer, Beetle...I'm one of the fastest players around."

" Hey!!!!!!!!" Torch's voice rang out from beyond the hill. He ran towards us and then tripped at the last moment.

We all look down at him with such disappointment.

" Good job, had one job and you mess it up." Mimi sighed, facepalming herself.

Torch quickly got up and then glanced at Esmeralda. " My sweet fairy! What brings you here???" he gasped in a joyful shock.

Esmeralda began to blush a tad bit. " Um...I came to join you guys of course!" she said, blowing a kiss at him.

" No way?!" he gasped.

" Well, not just me...I have a little friend...he'" she looked around, and the smiled. " Dancer! Dancer come!" she called out.

Sure enough, a medium sized white goat-like creature began running towards us. Around it's neck was a small little bell, and it's eyes looked at us with pure excitement.

" You're a beast tamer???" Mimi asked, petting the little goat.

Esmeralda nodded her head. " I love goats, they're so cute, and when I found out about the beast taming quest. I had to do it, and here I am with Dancer. I'm hoping to teach it some new tricks, and perhaps I could add her to my shows." she smiled.

Torch started petting Dancer, and instantly the little goat started licking him, and nuzzling his cheek.

" Hey, stop that tickles!" he laughed, trying to hold her back.

Esmeralda giggled, but her eyes were full of shock. " Wow, she normally doesn't lick people she's just met. She must have a real liking to you." she smiled.

" Eh, I just love animals...I have two Huskies at my place." He chuckled, glancing back at her.

Esmeralda giggled again, and began to blush a bit. Torch began to blush a bit as well. I turned to Mimi, and Misty, and both of them as a similar grin on their face. I didn't know what they saw that I didn't, but I could really care less.

Love is a Lie ( Beetle's Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant