Stage 44

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Beetle sighed, his eyes still hidden. " Sometimes I wish I was never a part of this game...then I would be saved from hurting innocent lives..maybe it would had been better if I remained at that orphanage...cause I'm scared right now..." His voice seemed break now. " I don't want to go back to the pain I felt when Mimi died..."

"Life will always be full of pain... it comes out of nowhere and hits you like a train. But only you can decide how to cope... reality is what you make it... in her eyes reality is standing on a mountain of corpses just because she wants to. You just happened to get in her way...but as your family we're in this till the end." Yoko explained calmly.

Kota carefully took Misty's hand "Cmon, let's give them some space..." he whispered in her ear. Misty nodded and walked out of the inn with Kota; leaving Yoko and Beetle to themselves.

Beetle began to shake now. " She died in my arms....I sent her to her death, I knew the street wasn't safe, but she insisted on going through it, and that's when the bullet shot her...there in front of me, an innocent little girl, and she bled to death in my lap....and she asked me to sing to her as she fell asleep! How can see a brighter future in this?!?" He yelled, both of his eyes now a faint blue.

"The future is unwritten... you never know what can happen next... knowing and accepting your past is important but if you just focus on that then you'll never get anywhere... if you look to the future too much then you'll never see it... stay in the here and now and make the most of each day and hope you can do better tomorrow..." Yoko explained calmly her voice soft and full of care

Beetle looked at her and then back at the floor. " I can't, Yoko...I'm too damaged...I spent seven years training till I couldn't stand with a man that showed me not to feel emotions...I driven those feelings of love away, and now...I can't get them back...I don't know how to move on, and now I'm trapped..I killed that part of me, I can't see a future for me, cause there isn't!" He said.

"Then why I are you still here?" She asked.

Beetle looked at her confused. " I..I another self of me took over...I stronger self that doesn't know love.." he said, but his eyes told her everything.

"Then what is your purpose? Revenge on the Ice Queen? Or some other motive? Say you achieve what you're look for... then what will you have? If it's revenge then I'll tell you what you'll have, nothing, nothing but emptiness and you'll just be chasing your next high.... is that really what you want?" She said her words harsh but they were the truth "Then again I don't think you need a good talking to... I think I need to knock you on your ass... maybe some sense while I'm at it.."

Beetles eyes were wide with complete shock, but then he narrowed them. " Perhaps, then how about a duel?" He said, his voice dark and stern.

"Sounds fine to me." She said her tone matching his as they went outside

Beetle gave her a faint glare, and drew his sword. " You chose how you want to fight!" He said.

"Only one way I fight." She said as she ignited her green bladed Photon sword "And that's till the end. But considering our levels in power... one blow alone will end us... so a one hit duel suits me." She said getting in her stance.

Beetle looked at her with calm eyes. 'Fight! Fight like your life depends on it!!!!' Falcon's training rang through his mind. ' You can't let love faze you! Erase it!'

Beetle nodded his head as if to tell her he was ready.

She knew this was her last chance. If she were to truly die here and now that would be alright... she would finally get to meet her dad at last. She would give this fight her all. She focused getting in a running stance..

And in a flash she was gone, then she was right in front of him locking blades like never before, she broke off and swung hard leaping over him, rolling back the other way clashing with his blade again, she was so flexible and her strikes were powerful. But she was out. She knew he was mounting for offense so she switched waiting for him.

Beetle then took advantage of this and then came back striking at her hard sending to the the ground, but lucky her blade weaken the blow. He was holding back for some reason...why?

Beetle then took to the sky and waited for her.

She got up her wings appearing as she raced into the sky locking blades again.

"Tell me! Tell me why you're so bent on dying?! Yet you stay right here! With your friends!" She demanded.

"Ich!" He growled and pushed her back with his blade. " If I die that's my punishment, and before I wish I could leave my guild! It would be easier for everyone if I just disappear, but they stick with me! And....argh!" He growled and attack Yoko ruthlessly as if trying to get all of his anger out.

" I.. I don't have friends! I don't need friends! They only hold me back, and I would only kill them like I killed my own sister!!!" He yelled attacking her again. His voice was strong and yet frail...he was lying!

"You're lying to me! You're lying to yourself!" She said fiercely as she blocked every strike with ease and difficulty "And you know it Akio! You never did a thing wrong! You're mother left you behind in hopes that you would grow up big and strong! She didn't keep you because she felt unworthy to be called your mother! Your sister loved you! And now you punish yourself because you refuse to let it go!" She explained as she went on the offensive delivering powerful swift blows.

Beetle's heart dropped and his body froze for a split second​, but then his eyes glow with rage.

' How did she-?! I never told her my real name?!' Beetle hissed in his mind.

"Don't call me by the name!!!!" He yelled. " That name is a lie! 'loved child!' it's a lie! No one ever loved me! My own mother didn't care for me! She left me in the rain on a street! She didn't even take me to a orphanage, she left me in the rain alone! I don't believe in love because there was no love when I left alone, or when my sister died! I have to get rid of these emotions because they only hurt others!"

She moved at top speed her fist collided with his gut. And her other fist collided with his face sending him flying off. As he arose she came hurtling at him like a meteor.

"Akio! Listen to me darnit! You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me! If life knocks you down you get up!" She said.

With that she tossed her weapon aside and tearing his twin swords from him and tossed them aside as well and began to beat him senseless her fists, legs and feet moving on their own accord. But he was fighting back as well landing hits as well. And she caught his roundhouse kick and threw him back against a boulder. And her fist landed inches away from his face leaving a good sized hole in the rock.

"What you speak of is lust and passion. These two can easily be confused with love. These two are the dark side of love, they're evil and they corrupt the heart and hurt others... love may hurt... but it's pure, happy, good, warm, and kind. Now get up and knock me down, or I'm gonna keep going." She said her eyes burning.

Beetle growled at her, and then his eyes widen with fear as if he was being asked to kill her. He couldn't do it! He had to stop fighting!

"I-I can't! Not again! " He yelled and quickly he was able kick her off and then quickly log off. " I'm sorry...but I don't know anymore..." With that he was gone.   

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