Stage 30

15 4 0

At this moment Torch woke up, and pulled out a small camera and started taking pictures of Beetle as he slept.

"Wait you were awake the entire time?" I asked putting the journal in my lap.

Torch placed his figure on his mouth to shush me, and he took one more picture. Then he moved towards me and chuckled.

" He's so cute when he sleeps." he chuckled.

" you often take pictures of people when they are asleep?" I asked scooting away from him slightly.

Torch shook his head. " You see, Misty told me to take a picture of him, so as possible blackmail when we need him to do something for us." he chuckled.

"Ok well....good luck with that..." I said uncertainly, opening my journal back up continuing to write.

Torch nodded. " Well, then goo-" he then collapsed again, this time....probably asleep.

" he actually asleep this time.......ok he is" I said to myself.

Later that Night:

'I finished what' I thought 'it's still a while before we need to get up.' *sigh* looking around in boredom.

I noticed that Beetle was shivering. Walking up to him I felt his forehead, jerking my hand back

'he's burning up...that's not right...the paralyzation shouldn't have done that......Night! I swear I am going to kill him!' I angrily thought, I took off my coat draping it over him 'that should help...he better not complain about this in the morning.' I moved back to the spot I was originally in I started to slightly drift off.





" Time to Get Up!!!!! *trumpet wake up call*" Torch yelled as loud as he could. And somehow having a trumpet on him, and he started playing it in Jinx's ear.

"What the?!?!?" I yelled throwing a knife at whatever was making that noise.

" Ahhh!!!" Torch yelled, raising his hands in the air. " You could had killed me?!"

"Dang it I missed" I said, jerking my head to the side.

" What?! You were trying to kill me? Why? I was only trying to wake you guys up." he stuttered, still shaking from the experience.

"There are at least a 100 different ways you could have gone about that yet you chose to use a trumpet!..where did you even get a trumpet from!?" I questioned.

" But it was more fun this way!" he chuckled. " And I bought it was a gift from a friend of mine." he explained. " Now! Where's your jacket?"

"Umm...n-no where...." I stuttered.

" Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure you were wearing it last night?" he said, observing her closer.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about..." I said avoiding eye contact I accidentally glance to where Beetle was sleeping before I looked away..

Torch looked to where he was. " Oh there it is!" he smiled. " What's it doing on Beetle?" he asked.

"N-nothing, never mind lets wake him up...and no we will not use the trumpet." I told him walking up to Beetle "Hey" I shook his shoulder "Hey, Beetle...wake up" I said slightly shaking his shoulder again to wake him up.





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