Stage 65

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Hours passed...and now Torch ran into the room, his eyes wide with fear, and his breathing hard...

" He-..he.." he couldn't speak..." She's gone..He did it.."

" But.." Misty asked, getting to her feet.

Behind them doctors started racing into Aiko's room. At that moment...they knew something had happened...

" No...oh please no!" Misty clutched onto Kota, and started crying.

Kota held back his tears for her as he held onto her running his hand through her hair. Whispering in her ear.

"Give it to us straight..." Yoko said.

Torch closed his eyes, and ran his hand through his head. " Beetle went into his Thunderbird side, used his lightning attack, and the Ice Queen transformed into a dragon...and overloaded the game...and overloaded his heart..." he finished. " The doctors tried to save him....but they can't revive him....." he finished, tears falling..






In the place between heaven and earth. Limbo...

Akio stood there his imagination creating an endless golden field of grass and vast empty blue sky and a sun.

Then he saw her...

A woman with long red hair and blue eyes, smiling...

Aiko turned and saw her. " No way...are you?" his voice almost broke..

She smiled sadly and nodded

"Yes... Akio, I'm your mother..." she said "Please let it all out... ask or say anything you want... I deserve it.." she said as she sat down offering him to sit with her.

Aiko sat down, and glared at her. " I have no words for much as I blamed you for everything...I have no words, but I have to ask you, why?"

She smiled and took a deep breath. "Words can't describe the guilt I feel, what I put you through. I am a horrible mother... that much I will say.... your father just simply ran when he found out... my parents didn't want anything to with me, not even their grandson... and I wasn't going to make it... my body was just too weak to make it to the orphanage... so I sang to you as I put you in a box, and left you with a name... and I stumbled into a alleyway... and I went to sleep..." she explained "Why I did that I'd because I loved you... but I just couldn't make it..." she added quietly.

Akio felt himself shaking. "And I blamed you, all this time I never gave you a chance...I said such horrible things about you, and I blamed you for all my pain...." He whispered.

She pulled him into her arms, he could feel no heartbeat in her chest, but she held him close as she laid back.

"It's alright... I deserved it... I left you behind with nothing, but a name... but it didn't mean I watched over you... and you turned out how I dreamed you would... and I'm glad you like to play video games..." she whispered smiling.

And began to sing to him. The very song she sang when she left him. After she sang she kissed his forehead gently.

"It's not your time yet.." she whispered.

Aiko looked at her with blue eyes. " I don't have a future though...I gave everything up..." he whispered to her.

"You still have a heartbeat... it's faint, fluttering, and could disappear at an instant... suffering as you did doesn't make you a terrible person... it just shows you've lived through it... but everything is up to you... it always has been... you can go back, make a future with your own hands, sit those girls down and make your choice, start a family of your own, make sure they don't suffer as you have..." she explained her words soft "or you can with me." She added.

"To where?" He asked.

She smiled softly "On. Onto heaven, leave it all behind. Let your friends stay broken hearted. Maybe they pull through, start their own families, and one of them dedicates one of their children to you... and they miss you like crazy, never getting the chance to tell you how much you meant to them. And they secretly blame themselves until they die.." she explained additionally her words still soft "But as I said... it's your choice..." she added.

Aiko looked down, and then closed his eyes. Remembering how much his guild sacrificed for him...Mimi's words...Beetle's...

His mother also made it quite obvious on what to chose.

As much as he wanted his pain to end, he knew...he knew that Mimi was right....he still had something to live for...and he couldn't just leave them there, and he knew that his mother would wait for him.

He opened his eyes, and looked at her. " Promise me you'll wait for me...I have something back there that I'm still fighting for, and as much as I wish to find peace....I don't think I'll find it if I'm leaving Yoko in the hospital, and everyone crying over me." he smirked softly, and then he kissed his mother's cheek.

" I forgive you, Mother...and I promise...I promise I'll come back for you...and I'll make you proud.." he said. " but...can I at least know one more thing...what is your name?"

"Son... I'm always gonna wait for you.... I promise... and I'm already so proud of you, you've turned into the person I hoped you would. Love Yoko like you're going to lose her, and let Jinx down easy. I love you so much Akio..." she whispered and kissed his forehead. " My little loved child." And she mouthed her name.

'Akiza...' is what she mouthed smiling at him.  

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