Stage 18

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" I didn't expect to see you here...Beetle..." Orion smirked, as the red haired boy walked to where he was a good distance from him.

His eyes glared at him lifelessly, but filled with hatred. The blue that was in his right eye seemed slightly more gold than anything.

" What's gotten into you? Oh, is it that you finally decided to face me?! Perhaps this is the Ice Queen telling me that now is the time!!!" Orion then laughed.

Beetle didn't say anything, but drew his blades.

Orion smirked, and thought of nothing of his strange behavior...and with that he sent a invite to duel.

" Press it!" Orion yelled, pulling out his Crescent Moon sword.

Beetle clicked the button, and the duel began. " This is it, Beetle!!!! I will defeat you!!!"

With that Orion ran towards him, and Beetle towards him. That clashed weapons, and with a spark of light the both of them departed.

" You're not going to win!" Orion yelled at him, but Beetle still remained silent...something was definitely wrong, but Orion's ego let it pass him.

The both of them clashed swords again, and now they both took flight. The battle took to the skies, and the sky above them began to darken...the clouds roaring with hate and rage.

Beetle fought quickly and precisely. He wasn't going to let Orion win, but the way he fought....he wasn't going to let him live!

Orion began to pick up on this energy. " Beetle! Wait!" he flew back a few feet. " What's wrong with you!? Are afraid that I'm going to beat you....or is it that you finally come to the fact that the Ice Queen is actually helping me to beat you!" he yelled at him.

Beetle's bangs covered his eyes, and he remained still.

" You know! At one time I was jealous that you had friends, but now I realize that it made you soft! You're a disappointment, and that guild of yours? They were holding you back, and especially that Cat Sith...she was just dead weight!"

Beetle's eyes flashed at that one word...

" Dead...weight?" he questioned...his voice dark and cold.

" Yeah! Maybe it's best that you didn't bring her along when coming here to face me! You'll be too distracted!" he yelled at him again.

" Shut up!" Beetle then yelled, and he looked up to glare at Orion...his eyes were now glowing completely gold. " Don't you dare talk about, Mimi!!!"

Orion shuttered in sudden shock and fear.... " What is wrong with you?"

" You don't have to right to mock my sister! You don't have the right to even fight here as a player! So...I be doing this place a favor by destroying the cancer!" he hissed at him, his eyes glowing bright gold!

" What?!" Orion yelled, but Beetle came in quick, and began attacking him. Faster and stronger than Orion...he was forced to basically run for his life.

Orion wasn't one to back down, and with a quick throw of his sword, he sliced the surface of Beetle's leg.

" Gahh!" he yelled in pain, and landed down at the ground. Orion then went in for the kill, but Beetle whip around and kicked him to the ground. " You will not defeat me!"

" Stop!"

A voice from above stopped them both.

" My Queen!" Orion got to his feet, and knelt down.

Beetle looked up and glared at her. " You witch! What do you want!?"

The Ice Queen chuckled a bit. " Oh my, so aggressive!" she smiled. " Well, you're battling my second course I'm here...and what I want is you...I can see that fire in your eyes burning up more now." she smiled, referring to his gold eyes.

Beetle gasped softly, and turned away.

" Orion...don't kill him..just yet...I want you to play with him..make you go to his full extent." the woman hissed softly, still smiling.

Orion nodded. " Yes, My Queen." he then turned to Beetle, his sword armed and ready.

Beetle growled at both him and the Ice Queen. He knew that he will have to destroy both of them, but at what cost-

" Beetle!!!!" Misty's voice rang down the pathway. Torch's fireball came out and knocked Orion away from him.

" Dude, what is wrong with you! I thought you were smart enough to know not to go battle a PK on your own!" Torch yelled at him, his fire spear ready to attack.

Beetle growled as he turned to face them.

Misty gasp, and covered her mouth with her hands. " It''s what I feared...."

" Whoa! What's up with your eyes???" Torch gasped.

Beetle growled, and turned back to face the Ice Queen. " Orion said something to me back at that dungon....about how something had to be done in order for him to fight me.." he said to her.

" Yes, that is correct." she simply said.

Beetle's eyes glowed slightly darker now. " Tell me, was that something involve killing my sister?!?!"

Misty gasped again, and held onto Torch. " It was's the only way....possible..."

The Ice Queen sighed. " That question is something you should ask him." she pointed to Orion... " The blood that your sister she was one that was necessary for him to fight you...Like he said....she was nothing but dead weight."

Orion looked at him utterly afraid. " What...what about your sister?"

Beetle turned to him, and his eyes glowed even brighter. " Mimi had nothing to do with this......Your anger towards me drew you to the point of murder?" he hissed, but his voice began to change in dialect. " looskhis mpinwe thughojnp bired koihns liweja..."

" That spell-it''s-"

" His Illusion's useless here...but knowing Beetle-run.." Misty said.

Torch looked at her confused. " What?"

Misty then turned away. " Run, darn it! Run!!!!"

A gigantic shadow crept over everyone and the clouds began to darken even more now...everything began to crackle as the thunder above was created, and roared with might.

" Huh?" Orion looked up, fear forming in his gut. " oh my gosh..."

" No that Beetle?"

Above them towering over them all was a creature of three pairs of golden red wings, and bright gold eyes glaring down at Orion.

The Ice Queen looked at it, with such shock...and even fear. " W-what? H-how is this even possible...that's the Thunderbird!"

"Crawwwwwww!!!!!!!!!" The Thunderbird cried, expanding all three pairs of it's wings, and took to the sky. Thunder and lightning shot violently all over the place.

" Beetle...what have you done?" 

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