Stage 23

19 4 0

Your emotions will return...

I woke up gasping for air, my chest felt tight and panicked. Falcon's words echoed in my mind. I shook my head, trying to erase the thought from my mind.

I sighed, and looked at the clock. " 3:00?" I sighed, and laid back down on my bed. " So much for sleep." I growled, getting up, and walked to my computer.

There on the desktop was a picture....of the old guild...The original Band of Misfits. A whole bunch had changed since....then...

Torch, like Misty didn't leave my side, sadly, but went missing from the game..apparently as Misty said that he decided to take on Treasure Hunting again.

Esmeralda and Dancer went back to performing for a little bit, at least until Torch returned. Apparently, the two of them decided to get together.

As for...I looked at the screen again, and saw Mimi....

" No, not today." I said, quickly changing the background to something else.

I sighed, and sat back on the chair, a part of me kept thinking about that new girl that joined us. That's Cait Sith....Yoko....there was something about her that struck me as different.

I hoped I wouldn't make eye contact, but when I had.....I don't know...I-

" No, no, no...I can't think of her!" I growled to myself, covering my face with my hands. " Falcon, you're wrong...I won't allow anything to bring him back....I'm not going to feel such emotions again....I won't."

I sat there for a little bit, until that was until I got a message.

Misty: Hey, Beetle..

" Misty...why are you messaging me right now?" I growled.

Misty: Because I knew you'd be up

I scoffed, and glared at the compture. " Why do you insist in staying with me? I mean...I thought I made it clear that I don't want to be part of this anymore.."

Misty: Then why are you still here, for example allowed me to stay and you also let Yoko in

" I-I..That was nothing." I growled.

Misty: You're not completely lost, Beetle....and I'm going to make sure that you'll come back, and perhaps maybe Yoko can help you more than I can.

I growled at her, and looked at the ground. " Why do you think you can help me? I mean I barely know her, and I doubt she'll stay around for much the look in her eyes I think after this next boss she's going back to where she came from." I hissed.

Misy: Don't say that! Yoko is stronger than you think she is!

I was a bit shocked when she snapped at me, but I knew I went a bit too far. " S-sorry.." I said. " Why her?" I growled. " You can't just choose a random player and then say, ' Oh, look she'll save you.' stuff!"

Misty: *sigh* I don't know how else I'm going to help you, but I'm not giving up on you Beetle. I think Yoko knows more about you than any of us could think to imagine....Just tonight just give her a chance...maybe she'll surprise you because you can't just lock yourself away like this anymore.....Alright, get some sleep. I'll see you in ALO

" Bye.." I logged off, and sighed. I didn't know what to do now, but just go on with the day...The image of the Ice Queen rang through my mind...I'm just glad she disappeared for now. I have to deal with this new girl....

" Yoko...." I whispered to myself, and then sighed. " No...I can't be save..that's that...Falcon only made that certain...he helped me destroy that part of me." 

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