Stage 63

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" Are you ready to die, Beetle?" the Ice dragon growled grimly as she towered over Beetle, her eyes seeming to glow with joy at his fear.

Beetle looked up, his body almost frozen with complete fear and awe.

" You're afraid....afraid of death...too bad I'm going to tear you apart slowly, boy..." Ice growled softly, almost laughing.

Beetle growled, and his eyes sharpen, " No...I'm not afraid of death....and no you won't win!"

He yelled his battle cry, and with his Twin Fang Blades he then came at her and began attacking full on!

The dragon attacked by, and though her movements were slow but they were powerful, and her bite came in close to Beetle, and sent him flying down to the ground as the wind from her bite had been so powerful that it sent him down quickly.

" ARgh!!" Beetle groaned in agony, and glanced at his HP ''s getting low...already, just with the wind movement...' he hissed in his mind.

The dragon came in again, and her eyes glowed, and from her mouth a wave of icy breath came in like a blast of ice.

" Err...great!" Beetle hissed, and barely made it out of the way, but the impact of her blast to the ground created a shockwave that knocked him towards the edge of the building.

" Ahh!!!!! Errrahh!!!!!" Beetle yelled, as he slid off the edge of the ledge, his clung on for dear life, as his body dangled off the edge. Below was a terrifying forest of sharpen icicles, and future down was the ongoing battle of the Ice Soldiers and Guilds.

" ...Ich.." Beetle hissed, as he tried to pull himself up, but at that moment the Ice Dragon came down at him with her claw, clutching his jacket, and then throwing him back down to the ground.

" Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!" He yelled, as his back snapped at the cursed icy ground.

" give up! Stay still so I can watch you suffer at my claws." Ice growled smiling, as she placed her claw slowly on his back, and began to press down.

Beetle's eyes widen with complete agony and his teeth gritted with pain. " n-no...i'm...not done.."

" Oh? I think you are....." Ice growled, and slowly began to jab her claw into his back, " Goodbye...Beetle.."

She was about to kill him but then a bright light shone from Beetle, and the dragon was sent back.

" What?! What is happening?!" Ice roared, trying to regain her balance.

" I told you I"m not done....I have too much on stake here....I will not let you destroy my family!!!" Beetle's cry was heard across the battlefield.

" Hyyaaa!!!" Orion sliced off the head of another PK but then stopped to turn to where the sound of Beetle's voice. " Beetle?"

Torch and Jinx were fighting alongside each other, surprising Torch was doing pretty well, but then even he stopped dead in his tracks.

" Oh man...." Torch gasped in total fear and shock.

Jinx finished off another one of the weak Ice Soldiers, and turned to Torch confused. " Are you okay?" she asked.

Torch pointed to the top of the now falling Ice castle. Jinx looked, and her eyes completely widen with shock and awe.

" that..."

Torch nodded his head, " Beetle, went goldeneye.."

The Ice Dragon backed off from Beetle completely trembling in fear and anger as three pairs of golden bright wings unfolded, and bright crystal clear golden eyes glared at her.

" couldn't have...there's no should be dead!" Ice yelled.

Beetle shook his head, and then cried in his Thunderbird voice. " Crawwwwww!!!!!!!"

" Beetle's Thunderbird form...he's controlling it..." Torch grinned, " Go Beetle!!!!!!!"

Thunderbird glared at the Ice Dragon, and at that moment the tide of their battle changed, and now.....

The real battle begins....

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