Stage seven

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" Okay! We should celebrate!!!" Mimi yelled, jumping in the air.

" Celebrate?" I repeated, questioning her motives.

" Yeah, I mean look our guild is growing bigger now, and besides Torch is new here, and I think we should give him a proper welcome." Misty then came into the conversation.

" Come on, Beetle!" Mimi begged, grabbing my arm.

I sighed, and smiled. " Fine...we can't just put our guard down like this though." I retorted back.

Mimi and Misty groaned at the same time. " Beetle!" they then yelled at me with fiery eyes.

I lifted my hands as to calm them down, and my eyes widen with shock. " Um...yeah! Celebration, let's do it!" I said, in a somewhat cheery voice.

Misty smiled. " Good, that's better, but for that. You're paying!" she then smiled.

" Bu-okay.." I sighed again, I guess I deserved that. I sighed, and followed the girls to the Twilight Cafe. There at the entrance was Torch.

" So..I got your message. Why are we meeting up here?" he asked, scratching his head.

Mimi smiled. " Silly! This is a welcoming party for you!" she smiled.

At once Torch began to blush. " Aww, you didn't have to do that! Gosh, you're all too kind!" he chuckled.

I sighed. " You're one of us now, but no more drowning got that." I teased him.

Torch laughed, and nodded his head. At that moment the four of us made our way inside, and luckily we made it before the rush hour.

" Oh, hey! Isn't Esmeralda going to sing today?" Torch asked, whispering to Misty. She nodded her head.

" Yup, so we're in for a show...Oh! Beetle's buying tonight, so get the most expensive stuff on the menu." Misty winked towards Mimi and Torch.

" What?! No way!" I growled at them. " I"m not wasting all of my Col on just one meal!" I added.

Mimi giggled. " Don't worry, we weren't going to do that."

I relaxed and sat down in my chair. At that moment though someone placed their hands around my neck. I began to blush a bit, but didn't want to hurt the person...especially not in front of such a crowd.

" Umm...excuse me, but you're in my space." I growled softly, still blushing...perhaps even shaking now.

" Aww, don't be shy..redhead!" a sweet sound of a girl's voice came from behind me.

I glanced at the others, and all of them had wide eyes.

" Esmeralda!" Torch gasped, then standing up he prepared a speech...or a really bad introduction.

" Hello, I am Torch, a Salamander, I am single, I am-ow!"

Misty then whacked him in the head. " He's new here!" she then said. " and the one you're hugging is Beetle."

" Oh! Beetle, what an interesting name!" she smiled, and she rested her chin on the top of my head.

This is way too close! What's this girl's problem?! I hissed in my mind.

" Hey, I'm singing tonight, but....I need a guy to sing along with me....for a duet." she then explained, now playing with my hair.

I had my eyes closed with discomfort has she was still really close to me. I had to soon open them as I could feel the burning to the other's stares on me.

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