Stage 43

8 4 0

Floor 49

Beetle looked around the area seeing if there was any mobs waiting for them, but lucky the cost was clear.

" Okay...just keep an eye out, got that." He hissed quietly at Misty, Kota, and Yoko.

At this moment they joined a minigame of stealth. The main point was the remain unseen and find the hidden treasures before the other guilds.

Yoko was their lookout due to her advanced eyesight being a Cait Sith.

"There's one up that way..." she whispered.

Beetle nodded, and had his weapon ready. " Stay close...we don't want to get it's attention." He whispered to the group.

Misty giggled softly.

" Good thing Torch isn't here..or that option would be out the window." She smiled.

Kota chuckled "As much as I appreciate his ability in strength, he can be a bit loud." Kota admitted drawing his sword from his back.

Yoko had her Photon Sword ready. "There's our best chance the last group is moving back out as we speak." Yoko said quietly.

Beetle nodded, and he directed the group from behind the stone and carefully moved behind the group and soon found a strange cave.

" Okay...I think this is where that treasure is..looks like we're the first to find it." Beetle sighed in relief.

Yoko began chanting and her eyes turned green. She was using the night vision spell. "Follow me and be very careful. There's all kinds of traps in here." She's said.

The others nodded and followed her carefully. Misty stayed close to Kota, and Beetle keep watch on their blind side. Suddenly a noise came from the far end of the cave, and the temperature dropped.

Misty grabbed the large chest with both hands and deadlifted it as it disappeared into her storage.

"Time to go. Unless you wanna freeze." Yoko said quickly.

Misty and Kota nodded and quickly ran out of the cave with Yoko, but Beetle stayed there frozen in place.

" Beetle! Come on hurry!" Misty yelled at him, but Beetle didn't move...he was frozen with panic, and his eyes were wide with fear.

" Not again, he's having a panic attack!" She gasped, about to run after him.

Kota was faster as he lifted him over his shoulders and was racing against the ice. But got out with Beetle at the last second.

They all gasped for breath, as they sat down in the undergrowth of the cave safe..Misty knelt down next to Beetle and tried to wake him up.

" Beetle, listen to're okay..that wasn't the Ice Queen she's not here.." she whispered to him.

Beetle kept shaking, and kept mumbling stuff..

" Beetle...shhh, it's okay.." Misty hugged him and tried to comfort him.

Yoko took a step back. Taking deep breaths; her eyes close. Not interfering

Misty kept talking to him, and Beetle soon stopped shaking, his breathing returning to normal.

" was her..." He whispered, his voice sounding in a way in which was rarely heard in. Fear..

Misty shook her head. " No, it was just part of the wasn't her." Misty said.

Beetle looked at her with darker eyes, and pale skin. " We need to get out of here.." he whispered faintly.

Yoko helped him up. "We need to move now. Everyone is gone at this point. We just to get to the entrance then we can teleport out." She explained.

Misty nodded, and helped Yoko with Beetle. Kota led the way, making sure the path was clear.

Beetle's eyes were still covered with his bangs, and his arms were still shaking, but he kept a strong walk behind the group.

" I'm sorry, Yoko...something happened to Beetle when you left...he's been getting panic attacks ever since we found out the PK returned." She explained.

"I thought PKing was always a part of the game. And besides no one can actually die in game. It's just that simple, the company that made Amusphere ensured that." Yoko said confused.

Misty shook her head. " That's true, but she kills her Targets in the real world then hacks into their accounts and transfer their abilities to herself...that's what happened..with Mimi.." she explained.

"That witch! That's illegal, and she should have a lifetime ban and be in jail. But I'm guessing she's that smart." Yoko said.

Misty nodded. " She hides her tracks well, and not to mention she has a whole guild her watching all her targets closely...she plans to destroy the real world after what he did to her..." She whispered, her voice full of worry. " Beetle has a illusion form called Thunderbird, but after nearly killing the Ice Queen with it...she sees him as a threat."

"I may have a friend who can help track her down. He's a bit unorthodox, but he's with the government. He's probably here on ALO now. He's an Undine by the name of Chrysheight. He's mostly like full grown man who still acts like a kid, but he's our best chance if you're up to it." She explained.

Misty nodded her head," We could try...anything to stop her kill-"

" No!" Beetle hissed cutting Misty off. " I'm not getting another person caught up in my mess..this is my problem.." he growled softly.

"People are dying! And if we don't turn this over to the authorities then she'll just keep doing as she pleases. I'm going to him. If you wanna stop me then by all means." Yoko said seriously her eyes meaning every word.

Beetle looked at her. " Nothing can stop her...she's been at this far longer than any of us have...stay out of this, I don't want to lose anyone else!" He said to her glaring.

Misty shoot her head " We are a part of this too Beetle! Whether you like it or not, we're going to stop her, because she kills thousands of players, innocent people, and then there's you at the top of her Target list!"

Beetle growled at her. " If I die, then that's my fault! My punishment for killing Mimi! That's not to say I won't die trying to stop her!"

"Kikuoka has been on the job from day, from the Beta test of SAO to the in game deaths of GGO years back. And while stopping her is a priority. Letting someone like him know is also a priority. He's with the self defense force. If you wanna harm to prevent me from telling him now is your chance." She said as she stood there waiting for him to what he wanted.

Beetle growled at her, and finally sighed. " Fine, tell him, but it's not like he'll do anything about it." He said. " The Ice Queen hasn't been stopped before."

Yoko helped him back to an inn. "I'll go find him he should be around here." She said.

Beetle quickly grabbed her hand. "Not yet...I'm not ready yet.." he whispered.

She stopped and sighed and nodded. "Okay.." she said.

Beetle held her hand, and his was shaking...He didn't want to let go of her....  

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