Stage 50

14 4 2

Few weeks later...

" Aiko! I'm home!" Mrs. Fujii said, walking into the house. She looked at the table, and saw one of Beetle's test. " A 98%? Aiko?!"

" Yes, Mrs.Fujii?" there from the stairs the red haired boy walked down.

" Look, I told you, you can call me Mom, and I was wondering what happened?" she gestured to the test. " You never get 98%'s."

He looked down. " Sorry, I underestimated the test..." he said.

She observed him, and noticed how thin he was. " Aiko, are you okay? How you been eating at all, you look thin."

Aiko shook his head. " I'm fine, just tired...that's all. Is it okay I go back to my room?"

" Oh okay....Dinner will be done in a little bit okay." she said, looked at him.

The boy didn't answer, and left.

It was about an hour later when Dr.Fujii came home, and they knew they had to discuss something.

" I'm worried about Aiko." she sighed.

Dr. Fujii nodded his head. " I know, he's been acting strangely. I mean the kid stresses out way too much, and heck it would had killed himself if he got this grade."

" I know, that's why I think something is wrong. He also hasn't been eating I don't think. I mean have you seen him, he's a mess." she cried.

" That game too, normally he goes on it every night once he's done with studying, but...not in the last few weeks. It's like something snapped in him." he sighed. " He can't keep this up...he's going to hurt himself."

" I don't know...what if this is our fault." Mrs. Fujii cried, covering her mouth with her hands. " I mean he's never had a true home, and now that he's here...and then the baby.." she then placed her hand on her swollen stomach. " I talked to him....a few days back...he thinks that we're going to replace him...but..I don't know what happen.."

" He's a smart kid, and we have to understand he's had a hard life, and that's scarred him deeply. I think we need to consider that we have to help him, and maybe...maybe we're too late." he said.

" No, no..we can still help him...we just need to connect with him."




Aiko looked at the screen of his computer and there on it was the a faded face, and great blue eyes.

" You can't run forever...I'm closing in.." The Ice Queen growled.

" I know I can't.....and I'm not..I'm done running...leave my guild out of this..and just take me." he glared back at her.

" Idiot, do you have a death wish or something?" she growled.

He shrugged. " Death is an old friend of mine, it's not like I have anything to live for here."

" You love her don't you!" she hissed. " You love both of them Yoko and Jinx...I can see it in your eyes.."

" That's foolish! There's no such thing, it's all a lie that the brain makes up when you ' feel' something." he growled at her.

" There's no need to lie, I know you feel something for them. You want to protect her by driving her away. Well I warned you, now....once I kill're guild will be in my clutches." she hissed at him.

" Yoko and the others are strong, you don't stand a chance against them." he smirked.

" We'll see..oh and remember to look behind you." she voice hissed.

The screen turned black, and Akio was left alone...for no one could help him now, but he was willing to take the consequences of his actions. He was ready to face Death one last time.



" I'm heading out!" I said, walking out the door.

" Aiko? I'm really worried about you and I really think you should stay home." Mrs. Fujii said, worried.

I looked at her, and shook my head. " I'm fine...just..don't worry I'm completely fine." I assured her.

" Okay, just be back before dinner.." she said, her eyes filled with worry.

I nodded my head, and smiled. " I will."

I walked out the door, and headed down the street. I was going to visit Mimi's grave..after everything that has happened...I need someone to help me...

I remember how Jinx pinned me down, the only reason she stopped was because I told her to kill me....I wish she did!

I stopped at the intersection and then I saw her, working from the inside of the cafe that she worked in. I haven't talked to her in weeks now...

I missed her...I missed Yoko...I wanted to talk to her, and a part of me wanted her to yell at me again...she was the only one that truly matched my fire...

I lost both of them now..

I hissed at myself, and looked away from her. My heart ached for the lost of Jinx to the Ice Queen.....but I think my heart aches leave Yoko behind...

I smile softly, " You'll go far, Yoko....I would only hold you back." I whispered to her, though she couldn't hear me.




Little did he know that he was being watched. From a distance, the girl watched carefully and with her computer in front of her, she hacked the system.

The lights suddenly turned, and chaos broke. Akio was caught in the middle of traffic, and the cars were driving everywhere, and few even started crashing into one another. He was able to avoid getting hit, and against his blind spot an car took him by surprise. The sound of glass shatter, and though he was able to jump the car, and still crashed onto his arm first into the pavement ground. Darkness settled, and fire burned. The girl stopped and brought the light back to normal, but it was far from it. It was grimlock, and no one had no idea what had happened.   

Then it all went dark...

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