Stage 38

12 4 0

' How is this possible?! He should had been dead, but if this message is from has to be! Unless the Ice Queen hacked into his profile, and took on his account!' I hissed in my mind, as I ran down into the misty forest.

Why is this happening? Why here, and now?

" Beetle?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, and looked up towards the voice, " You're a fake! You're suppose to be dead!" I yelled at him.

" heh...I thought so too....that was until something happened and well...I didn't die." the boy jumped down from the tree, and looked at me.

His bright blue eyes, and darker blue hair were still the same, but....I knew he wasn't the same brat seven years ago.

"'ve changed." I scoffed, turning to him.

Orion chuckled a bit, " Well, some things change you...and look...the only reason I'm here is because of the Ice Queen..."

I froze a bit, " What about her? She's nothing to you!"

Orion shook his head, " Wrong! I'm planning on bringing her down and throughout these seven years I've been hunting down any servants of her and Ally."

" Ally?" I asked.

Orion nodded, " Ally, is her second in command, and he's also the one that was suppose to kill me, but like I said it didn't work." he smirked.

" So...after killing my sister, you decide to be a hero? Grow up!" I hissed at him.

Orion looked at me, and sighed, " At least I'm trying to make a difference..what I did to you and your sister was the worst thing I've done in my life, but now I'm willing to make amends, but helping make this world a safer place. Unlike you....and by the looks of've still living in the english and running away." he stated.

I glared at him, " You know nothing of me!"

Orion didn't yell back, and instead he sighed, " No..maybe not personally, but just by the look in your eyes...I know enough..."

I growled, " What do you want!?"

Orion sighed, " Like I said, we're both after the Ice Queen..I have a friend who is connected to her, and you know him well."

With that another person appeared next to Orion...a dark skinned Spriaggan with dark blue eyes and long black hair looked at me.

I froze in my place, and felt my heart beating faster and faster. " F-Falcon?"

" Hello, Beetle...I see that you're still divided between yourself." he said, his voice cool and calm.

I growled, and turned to Orion, " What's he doing here?!"

" Relax Beetle...I'm here because there is something I haven't told anyone in this game." he said.

I scoffed, and looked down, " Fine..say what you have to." I growled.

" Very well, well it was when I was still a beginner in the game....The warnings of the Ice Queen didn't exist..for she wasn't the PK she is now during that time....I was fighting a monster in one of the hidden quest, and I was losing. It was her that saved me. A beautiful undine named Ice, and she was skilled in fighting and in tracking....I got to know her and we became close." he said.

I looked at him,disgusted, " You had feelings for that murder?" I hissed at him.

Falcon glared at me, " At one time yes....but she began to change...she began to see what power she possessed over weaker newbies. She was already damaged when she told me how her former boyfriends died of cancer. I stood there by her side, and perhaps we felt was all a lie though. Ice became ruthless and hungry for power, and I couldn't stand by her anymore. So we fought, and..."

" You lost.." I finished.

Falcon nodded his head, " I failed because I still loved her. So from that point on, I trained to erase any emotions towards anyone, so that I will finish what I had started."

I scoffed, and turned away, " Right...well you failed, now the Ice Queen is mine to destroy." I glared at him.

Orion then stepped in, " Beetle, you can't take her down by yourself. She's way more powerful than you think!"

I turned to face him, " You have no right to even speak, nor be here! You're just as bad as she is!" I yelled at him.

Orion stopped, and looked down, " I-I know.... 'now you have to live with that sin' that's what you told me the last time we saw each other. Brother...I did what you told me too...I'm still living with Mimi's blood on my hands...even though I did not pull that trigger, I might as well had, and I swore to myself that I would never harm another innocent soul again. I'm still keeping that promise, in the hopes that I could make amends to your sister."

I growled, and turned away, " Mimi may be one to forgive you....I on the other hand..." I looked into his bright blue eyes, and I saw that same cheery boy from school....but now he was stronger and wiser.....I wanted to forgive him, was still too soon. " I still need more convincing." I finished.

Orion nodded his head, " Well, if seven years isn't enough...I'm sure another seven will do." he chuckled lightly.

I growled again, and turned away, " Do what you want, but the Ice Queen is mine, got that! And also stay out of my way, and my guild!"

Orion chuckled nervously, and turned to Falcon, who looked at me with calm eyes, " Your guild? Your heart wants to still be loved, and it still longs to be surrounded by people....and yet you fight it. I never wanted to teach you to erase your emotions...a young boy like you wasn't met to do that nor survive it. Now look at're in more pain than you were before...Such irony."

I scoffed, and glared at him my eyes turning more gold now, " Leave me alone.." I hissed. With that I teleported out of there.




" So what now?" Orion sighed, turning back to Falcon.

" When you found me, and questioned me about the Ice Queen...I saw in your a damaged Beetle....but you were stronger...more sure in yourself, and you faced that sin of yours and made it right....I knew that you weren't out for revenge on her, but justice." he said.

Orion sighed, " The Ice Queen won't be standing here anymore...once we deal with her, she'll answer to all of her crimes."

" How did you know about me?' Falcon asked.

Orion scratched his head, " Well...I heard rumors and the stories of the Ice Queen loving a dark skinned fairy with the diving attack that Beetle also had. So...I thought to myself that you were my best bet in getting inside info on that which." he said.

" Then why go after Beetle?" he asked.

" I guess, I really wanted to see how damaged he still has...and maybe in some hope...I could get him to fight alongside us against the Ice Queen." Orion sighed.

" You still love him as a brother..don't you?" Falcon asked.

Orion nodded his head, " No matter how far we hurt each other...our bond is strong..and brothers stand up with each other through thick or thin....I know Beetle isn't gone yet....he's just lost. I'm certain when the final battle comes..he'll truly see the light." he smiled.

Falcon nodded his head, " Very well,Orion...Come along..we must ready ourselves for that battle."

With that both Orion and Falcon disappeared into the mist.   

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