Stage 45

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As Beetle laid there he was in a state of semi consciousness.

"Akio..." a whisper of a voice said, one he knew well. His own voice

And then he saw him, the ghost of a boy who looked like him one blue eye and one golden eye, elf ears and a thick coat. Smiling softly at him.

Akio looked at the ghost and knew exactly who it was. " Beetle...I..I don't understand...I told you that I don't want these feelings!" he hissed at him, his blue eyes gleaming with fear.

Beetle smiled at him. "You can never be me... you're still human... I'm a mere illusion, nothing but ones and zeros... you're friends are real though... and they care for you.." he said.

Akio looked down and shook his head. " I-I'm scared....I may be older now, and try to put up a big game, but I'm still the scared orphan.." he chuckled softly. " I guess Falcon was right...I could never erase my heart, I'll always be weak.."

Beetle smiled and hugged him gently. "You're not weak, yes you're scared, but we're all scared. Let them in, they can help... just like Mimi did...just as I love you and envy you... please try for me... because this is the last time I can come see you..." he said quietly, and was gone just like that.





Aiko's eyes then opened, but he was now in the real world...His eyes were widen with fear, and then a sick feeling overthrew him.

Few moments later.

*knocking on bathroom door*

" Aiko? Aiko..are you okay?" Mrs.Fujii, Aiko's foster mom, knocked on the door.

I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth. " Don't bother with me!" I hissed, not wanting to see her.

" Akio..I'm coming in.." she said, and opened the door. " Oh, Aiko...what happened?"

I shook my head, and looked at the ground. " I'm don't need to worry about me.."

" Yes, I do need to worry about you! You know what I may not be your real mother, but I'm suppose to take on that role!" she said, her voice stern. " And I am worried about you!"

" Why should you be? It's not long till your baby is due, and then you won't have to worry about me.." I growled, glaring at her with my blue eyes.

" No! What no! Aiko...when this baby is're still going to be here..nothing changes that!" she said.

" Really?" I scoffed, turning away.

" Aiko...come here.." she said, her arms opened wide. I looked at her, and then moved next to her..

I only did it because I wasn't in the mood to fight with her at the moment...but when I did move into her arms...It was even...

Who am I supposed to be now? Who am I? Misty was right.....I only ruined myself, and...

The stress of everything built up....and I closed my eyes.

My heart is torn....and I don't know....what love really feels like anymore...

"Akio... I may not be around as much, but my husband and I...We truly want you to be apart of this family... this baby isn't a replacement of anything... it's an addition... and this baby will need a big brother... and we want to know more about you... and be a part of your life..." Mrs. Fujii said calmly as she held me close.

I began to shiver, and my heart began beating faster. Before I knew it...a wet substance dripped down my cheek..

'Tears?' I thought to myself.

And with that Akio surrendered himself, and felt safe in her arms. " I don't understand....I don't know who I am anymore....I'm..I'm in trouble.." I whispered, knowing that something was going to happen to me..Aiko's mother held him close, and spoke comforting words to him, and soon he fell asleep in her arms.    

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