Stage nine

38 4 0

" Are you ready?" Mimi asked, as we flew up the staircase.

I nodded my head. It's been a few months since I first joined in. Now we're on floor 38, and about to defeat it's Master. " Yes, I am." I said, confidently.

" Good, cause there's no going back." Misty stated, her spear in hand.

" I'm ready to slay this demon!" Torch yelled, setting fire to his hands.

" Torch, no not yet!" I yelled at him.

" Aw..." he chuckled, putting out the fire. " So..any idea what this door holds?"

I looked at him and the others. " I was able to buy off some info, and it's a desert forest type world, and inside is a great bird like creature, but it has a power to create rains.

" Oh...interesting!" Mimi exclaimed, walking ahead of us.

" Wait? Water?" Torch repeated, fear in his voice.

" Um...yeah, are you afraid of a little water?" Misty teased.

" Well, it's the drowning part I don't like." he explained.

" You better not drown! Cause I'm not going to let you grab my foot like that again!" I hissed at him.

Torch and the others started laughing.

" That was kinda funny though." Mimi giggled.

I growled, and turned around. " Come one, we better hurry.."

We walked up the rest of the stairs, and finally we came to the door. It was a tan colored door, and surrounding it was giant pyramid.

" Well..looks like something from the Mummy or something like that!" Torch gasped, looking up.

" The Mummy?" Mimi and I asked confused.

" It's an American movie..." Misty answered us. " It's about well...Mummy's and Egypt." she added.

" Oh, I see!" Mimi smiled.

I sighed, and grabbing my Twin Fang Blades, I turned to the others. " Alright, let's get this over with. Just stay hidden until we get the full picture of what this thing looks like..Got it?" I said, mostly referring to Torch.

Everyone nodded their heads, and we began to walked inside. The sand covered doors opened, and inside the torches that lined the walls lite, and the light revealed a strange stone covered room.

" Um...what is this?" Mimi gasped in awe and confusion, but before he stepped foot into it, Torch grabbed her arm.

" Wait! There might be booby traps!" he yelled.

" Booby traps?" Mimi asked, her eyes showing even more confusion.

" That's what I said! Booby trap! It's like those movies, watch if I run down this hall there will be arrows shooting from the walls!" he said.

" Um....I think you seen way too many action movies.." Misty giggled, scratching her cheek.

I growled, and pushed my way next to Torch. " There's no booby-ah!" I tripped, and fell on my bottom into the hallway. I had my eyes closed to see if the arrows were going to fly out, but....

Nothing happened.

" Oh thank goodness.." I sighed, in relief.

" Aw, man! I was kinda hoping to be Indiana Jones..." Torch said, snapping his fingures.

Misty face palmed herself. " Wrong movie, but okay..."

" Well, Beetle proved that their won't be any booby traps here." she giggled.

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