Stage 68

48 7 0

Timeskip to after they get out of hospital...Floor 45

It had been a few weeks since we walked out of that hospital...Yoko was stronger as ever, and stayed by my side.

I knew that life was going to be a twist and turns, but I think for a long time....I have hope that there is a light at the end of this...and I knew that with Yoko and the rest of the Band of Misfits..they were going to help me get through this...

Of course...that heart attack after the Ice Queen...weakened my heart permanently, and I was limited to not letting my heart beat get too time using the Thunderbird fully and battling to the over...I guess in a way that side of Beetle found his peace when that Ice Queen was laid to rest.

As for ALO, times are now at peace....of course that's what I thought....Ally, the Ice Queen's second in command and possibly the real killer of all those innocence is still out here somewhere...

" Beetle!"

I turned around, and saw Yoko running to me. " Um..yeah?" I asked, as my thoughts were broken..

She smiled and took my hand carefully. "You were zoning out again... but you're still here with us... she smiled.

Everyone was there at the tavern and they had just defeated the floor 52 boss. But everyone had seemed to be more laid back with clearing the floors.

"Hey did you guys here there's a new player. She's the youngest player and she's already attacking the next floor. I think her name is Titania. She's a Sylph. And she's wielding Excalibur, I heard she's only 7." Kota explained.

Torch nearly choked on his drink. " Nah! That's just a lie! There's no way! I mean Mimi was what?"

" Mimi was five when she played." I said tartly, glaring at him. " What's her name? I mean if she has the genes I mean it is possible."

"I heard she claimed the avatar name Titania. You know?" She said and he all looked confused "Doesn't anyone read Fairy Tail? It's a name from Norse mythology. Titania translates to 'Queen of the Fairies'." She added.

I thought about it for a moment, and then it hit me. " Asuna? Asuna's girl?!" I gasped.

Torch looked at me. " Oh!!! That's right of course the great Shakespeare!!!" he cried proudly.

I facepalmed myself. " Right, Torch..." I then turned to Kota. " So, the child of two of the greatest players has come here? Why?"

"Who knows... maybe she wants to finish what her parents started... but I heard a bad rumor..." Kota said and his face saddened at the last part.

"What?" Misty asked concerned.

"I heard Kirito and Asuna just disappeared from the face of the earth... I haven't heard from them in years... I know they're not dead.... but they may have left their daughter with Suguha, Kirito's sister..." Kota explained.

Beetle's eyes sadden a bit, but didn't say anything.

" Oh my...Well does she have a guild or anything?" Misty asked.

"No... not that I heard. She's been soloing the last month all by herself and cleared more than half of floor 52's dungeon." Yoko explained.

" What?! No way!" Torch yelled shocked. My eyes widen with similar shocked.

" Well, she certainly has the genes.." I sighed. I turned to Kota. " I don't think she needs help, but...that's all up to you guys." I said. " I mean if you're up for the challenge."

"I have a feeling that she'll be just fine... true she'll want to know who her parents, are but it's not our place. She's going to go far." Kota said "She and the new Salamander Leader are the ones who are clearing the floors the fastest." He added.

Beetle nodded his head. " Right...and I have enough people to worry about anyway." he scoff in a joking way.

Yoko slapped his shoulder playfully "Dummy.." she teased.

Beetle smiled softly, and then looked at the others. " We're going to get to the hundredth floor, I promise all of you that..just not at the rate I would hope for...but you can blame that on my weaken heart." he sighed.

They all smiled. "No matter what happens we'll be together as a family." Yoko assured him as she took his hand.

Beetle blushed slightly. " Right...I.." he stopped and smiled softly.

That's right...I have family now...I'm not alone...I don't have to keep fighting for reasons like I had before.

They all smiled and nodded in understanding. They were together at last whatever the future held they'd face it together...

Beetle and Yoko will return...

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