Stage 36

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" Yay! Go, Yoko!!!" Misty yelled, clapping her hands, the others in the Twilight Cafe were watching and cheering as well.

I sighed, but didn't keep my eyes off the screen.

Yoko was trapped behind a pillar and the bullets came at her from behind shooting at her profusely.

" Come on, Yoko...find a clearing..." I whispered under my breath waiting for her to move.

At that moment the bullets took a pause, and she made her move. She was quick, and precise, the gunner had no time to react, but to start firing again.

Yoko didn't faze from the bullets, and with her Photon Sword; she ripped past all of the firing, and as the gunner panicked, and quickly tried to reload his weapon. Yoko jumped up and sliced him in half.

" Yeah!!!!" Esmeralda and Misty cheered clapping their hands together.

" Yes!" I smiled at the screen, and there she was. Yoko was announced the winner of the she can run for the win.

Misty walked up to me, and smiled, " Are you smiling, Beetle?" she asked.

I began to blush, and shook my head, " What?! No! I was-ahh!!!" I growled, turning away, still blushing.

" I must admit, got yourself a fine girl." Es smiled.

" She's not my girl!" I yelled at her.

The other guys in the cafe started smirking at me, and whispering stuff. I growled, and turned back to the screen as another battle was about to take place to determine Yoko's opponent in the finals.

" Soo.....Yoko's is pretty awesome jedi." Torch smiled, sitting next to me.

" What?! When did you-never mind..." I grumbled, straightening myself up. " And she's not some Star Wars person..." I added.

Torch smirked, and then he turned to look at me. I looked at him confused.

" Um...what?" I asked him.

" I don't know, but it's the way to act when you see's different from when I saw you with Jinx." he said, his green eyes looking more serious than usual.

" Um...where are you getting at?" I asked him.

" Well, I haven't met this Yoko girl yet, but by what Misty told me, and watching her fight....she's like you a lot, but...unlike Jinx....she still has a light in her." he said.

I began to blush a bit, " I don't like either of them!" I hissed at him.

Torch smirked, " Yeah, you do! I can see it in your eyes! Well with Jinx...I don't think it's that kind of guys acted more like a siblings if anything...but that bond you already know how strong it is...but with Yoko...I'm no matchmaker, but I can see that light already being lite in your heart...Mimi was once that light for you, and though it went out...I think that Yoko, damage like you are, is still willing to make the most of life, and she is willing to bring you up with her." he said.

My eyes widen with complete shock, " I-I'm's kinda scary when you go all philosophical like that.." I stuttered.

Torch chuckled, " Well, I actually didn't come here to say that...I wanted to ask you...."

" Um yeah?" I said.

" do you log out again?" he asked.

I fell to the ground, " How the heck did you forget how to logout?! How long have you've been in ALO?" I yelled at him.

Torch scratched his head, " I think....two days maybe?" he said.

" is it that you're still alive?" I grumbled. " Here.." I moved his hand, and took him to where the button was. " Just click it when your done here..." I said.

" Thanks!" he smiled, and then Es came and wrapped her arms around him.

" Are you being forgetful again???" she smiled, kissing him.

Torch blushed a bit, and chuckled. " Since when am I am not forgetful."

The two of them started talking, and I sighed, and turned back to the screen. What Torch said about how I felt....or could had! Not again! I don't...I can't love no one!

But still.....Yoko....she's different from Jinx...

With Jinx...I feel like I'm talking to myself....

When with Yoko...she was me, but much greater....her willingness to still love and have still be herself...and be that strong....

I clutched my chest. I could feel my heart beating faster the more I thought of her. ' it possible....can you save me?'   

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