Stage 32

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Meanwhile *under the sea*

I came up for air taking deep breaths "Ok this place is pretty cool" I breathed out pulling myself out of the water 'it's cold in here' I thought wrapping my arms around myself.

Looking around "I should probably get back" I said walking back to the small pool I had came out of. I can't go back through 'what?..why can't I.....A magic barrier' I thought 'wait so can I use magic?' I thought using a weak spell....nothing happened 'you can't...great and I didn't bring any weapons with me...why did I go in here' I questioned myself 'good thing no one's coming after me' I thought.

I went into the cave, and coming up, I gasped for air. " Jinx!" I gasped, coughing on some of the water. I swam to shore and wringed out my clothes. I looked around, and the light I created disappeared.

" Great.." I growled. I grabbed one of my Twin Swords, and walked deeper into the cave. " Jinx?" I called out her name again.




I heard someone calling my name I carefully walked over to where I heard it I peeked around the corner.

'please don't let it be Night...can he even swim?' I thought my eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough for me to decipher who it was 'Beetle? He is the last person I expected to go after me' I thought I walked around the corner.

"Why did you come after me? I thought you said to stay away from you and that I might 'try something' on you." She said placing her hands on her hips.

I began to blush a bit.

" I know I did! I...I guess I was being over dramatic." I stuttered. " Look I don't want to be close to you, but that doesn't mean I don't care for your well being...I mean you did heal me, and I suppose I was just trying to repay that debt...I'm not a complete jerk!" I hissed at her, still blushing.

"I know," She re-crossed her arms "about this cave magic doesn't work in here and the entire place," jestering to the cave she continued "is a puzzle, from what I could gather about it, not that I have been able to gather much about it." I told him.

I scoffed softly, and looked around.

" I think someone's been here before, but... they died trying.." I walked past her, and deeper into the cave. " The Boss here was a mermaid...she told us before we killed her that the treasure that is still hidden." I explained. " I think this is where that treasure is kept at. I suppose it's best we figure this out...I mean might as well." I said turning back to her.

I noticed her shivering a bit and I sighed. " Here." I tossed her my winter jacket. " This should keep you warm." I said.

"Thanks," putting the jacket on "be careful of where you step, there are traps I had almost set one off earlier." she advised walking down the tunnel.

I nodded my head, and treaded carefully. I stayed somewhat close to would be unwise if we strayed off. So far there weren't any traps....that was until I saw something shining a few feet in front of us.

" Hang on." I placed my arm in front of Jinx. I walked up a little closer, and when I saw it closely I saw a strange silver chalice on the ground. I picked it up, but nothing happened.

" Aqua..." I whispered. " Interesting.."

"What is it?" Jinx looked at the chalice Beetle was holding "did someone leave it here when they came here?" She asked.

" Possibly.." I said. " I think I have an idea on what it belongs too...but it's missing another piece."

I looked up and towards the end of the cave. " Follow me." I continued walking down, and by the looks of everything...the traps seemed already set off...we kept walking until we reached a room completely lite by candles. I looked around the room, and there on the walls was a strange writings. All of it seemed to familiar.

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