Stage 54

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Sayomi walked down the hall, and at that moment ran into Dr.Fujii.

" Oh! Sorry about that Sayomi, I must had been really in the zone there.." he chuckled lightly.

"It's fine, I zoned out a bit too" she smiled " I'm almost done checking on all the patients I just need to do the paperwork" she informed

Dr. Fujii nodded his head, " Ah yes, well I better let you get on with that-oh! By any chance did you check on Akio Ryuu yet?" he asked.

"Yeah I just left there," she looked back down the hall "I gave him the medication and as far as I know should still be in bed" she said looking at the clipboard.

Dr. Fujii chuckled nervously, " Um...well...he's not one to take his word on...I forgot to mention he's head strong and not one to stay still..." he said, wiping some sweat from his forehead.

'Great another patient that I have to check a few times' she thought "well then I'll just have to check on him every so often then" she smiled " I should go check up on him again and probably bring him some food," she looked at Dr.Fujii "It was nice talking but I should get back to work still lots to do"

Dr. Fujii nodded, " yes of course, this place needs more people like you!" he smiled, " See you around, Miss Sayomi!" he turned down the hallway and disappeared into one of the rooms.

She walked back the way she had came 'I'll go check on him then get him some food and finally get to the' she thought walking back to the room Akio was in 'if this kid is out of bed' she thought opening the door

The door opened, and there was Akio looking at the window from his bed. He turned around and sighed.

" You have so little faith in people.." he growled softly, trying to turn to face her, but kept his sheets covering his side.

"Well life tends to make me lose faith in most people," she sighed "what would you prefer to eat soup or sandwich?" she asked looking at him.

Akio sighed, and broke their gaze, " I-I'm fine...I'm not really hungry at this moment-ow." he winched in pain, turning away.

"Where does it hurt?" she asked stepping towards him "and don't say you're fine I know you're not"

He looked at her, " You act like her too.." he growled, and he revealed the side where his bandages were, and revealed the bleeding that started up again. " I don't know why it started again...unless..never mind, it's not bad." he quickly said, winching again.

"You got up didn't you" she sighed "i'm going to unwrap it there may be a tear in the stitching" she walked over to him "can you sit up? And who do I act like?" she asked.

Akio looked at her, still not wanting to be touched, but he was in too much discomfort to care anymore; so he sat up. " The person we both know...or perhaps...I know..and you are." he said, looking at her, trying to break her down somehow. Trying to get her to prove his hypothesis.

She slightly froze for a second "yeah I know her," she continued to unwrap the bandages "she's my sister's cousin....which makes her my looks like you just strained yourself" she told him "i'm not going to need to restitch these but if you keep trying to get up then I might."

Akio glared at her, and then nodded, " I friend is in the room next to me...I..never mind. Are you done yet?" he asked, his tone changing to more annoyed.

"The girl...she's not one of my patients but I can look into it if you want," she looked at him "only if you will stay in bed for a while, and yes i'm almost done I just need to rewrap them with new bandages" she said.

Akio shook his head, " don't have to do that..I'm sure she's recovering.." he paused and looked at her, " By any chance does your cousin know a person named Beetle?" he asked.

She almost dropped the bandages she was holding "u-umm.. Yeah I heard that she fought him to save her friend Jill- I mean Alidia r-right" she said uncertain.

Akio's blue eyes gleamed into hers, " Aladiana." he corrected, " Last seen with a rare Minigun from GGO....Jinx and Beetle fought.....' you and Ice Queen were right about him..' Beetle tried to get to her, but he couldn't...she's lost because of him.... ' As far as I know nothing about me.' he repeated certain scenes from the battle, but his eyes were dead locked onto hers.

Sayomi dropped the bandages "who gave her a gun...t-that doesn't make-" she cut herself off 'that doesn't make sense he was the one with the gun... it's....something is wrong' she thought gathering up the bandages "I-I... guess you know him then?" she asked trying to figure out why or what is wrong.

Akio smirked, and chuckled a bit, " I knew it...but what can I say I'm just a guy in a hospital...Yeah, Beetle and I are closer than you think...close friend of mine..and sorry if I scared you I have a good memory of such things." his voice was light, but his gaze was cold, as he still make eye contact with her. " And your friend is working with a PK named Ice Queen...a killer and hacker...and it makes perfect sense, if only Jinx....wasn't as late as she was-*coughs*" he sighed, wincing in pain again.

'The Ice Queen saved me....right?..' she thought "Sorry it's just I heard a different story from Jinx....The bleeding seems to have stopped the pain medication should be helping, what do you mean wasn't as late" she asked confused.

Akio coughed some, more, and then looked at her, " you seem very curious about this, Jinx." he smirked again, trying to break her more, " Beetle received a messaged from Jinx, but it was actually that Snake, and she told him that if Beetle could beat her in a duel she will explain about Jinx's disappearance...Well Beetle was about to win with his Twin Fang Blades, when she pulls out a Minigun...a gift from the Ice Queen...nearly killed him, but last second took out her leg, and as she was on the ground..tried to take the gun away...of course that's when Jinx shows up at the moment...the video of the battle would had been great proof to show it was her, but...knowing Ice Queen she altered everything about that and Beetle's image.." he said, clutching his chest.

"Y-you need to get some rest I should go," she finished wrapping the wounds "get some sleep... " she walked to the door "I'll come check on you later drink the water...the story I heard was entirely different from that" her voice getting quieter at the end.

She left the room, and Akio couldn't help but smile.. ' It's her...perhaps I'm not too late...I can save her still.'

Sayomi walked down the hallway, and then ran into a girl with brown hair in a ponytail.

" Oh my! I'm sorry!" she gasped.

"It's fine I was zoned out" she smiled "I should get going still have people to check up on bye." she waved continuing her path down the hall. 

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