Stage 35

12 4 0

I woke up in the real world remembering the first time I found out about the Ice Queen.

'that was an interesting day' I thought.

Back flash:

"Well, we finally completed floor 40" Jinx said.

"Yeah I can see that and it was completely boring you didn't let me have any fun" I answered crossing my arms glaring at her.

"Yes," she crossed her arms as well "that because your idea of 'fun' is dangerous to everyone" she explained.

"And that's what makes it fun" I responded leaning against the wall.

"I'm not dealing with this right now" she sighed leaving. Jinx left me alone in the small city square. I scoffed, and walked in the opposite direction.

Little did she know that she was being watched from the darkness. The twitching grey tail of a Cat Sith moved he watched her.

" Looks like you've been rejected." the voice meowed from above.

I glanced up "And what's it matter to you?" I hissed 'who does this guy think he is butting in on my business' I thought angrily.

The man came out, he was dressed in rags, and his dull grey cat ears twitched. " Everything that goes around this floor is my business, and I know I'm right about you want to do something fun?" he smirked at her.

I glared at him "Get lost," I growled at him "not interested" I started walking away.

The man kept following her. " Now, now don't be like that...what if I told you about it consists of destroying lives?" he added.

I stopped "Now you have my attention" I smirked turning around to face him.

The man smiled. " So...Aladina.." he said her name. " I see you the kind that likes am see this here is a Player Killers territory..and my Queen is looking for someone like you. She calls herself the Ice Queen, and she....she's looking for someone..and she specifically order him to be destroy...squash...terminated...and her ambitions also include ALO domination and destruction." he smirked at her. " What do you say?"

"I'll think about it" I answered placing my hands on my hips.

The cat nodded his head, and smiled. " Well, when you make up your name is Ally by the way...see you later, kitty cat." he smirked, and disappeared.

'Again with the nicknames' I thought walking over to where Jinx was.

"who was that?" she asked me.

"No one just a random player that was being annoying" I answered, she nodded.

End back flash

That was an interesting day...





Jinx sighed, and went to her room...

I walked over to my computer 'I need to give him his stuff back' I thought logging on to my account I pulled up the messages.

-hey, can we meet up tomorrow on floor 20?-





" Huh?" Torch glanced at the computer, and saw a message appear, he went over to the computer, and saw the message.

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