Stage 29

13 4 0

" Misty...what is this cave?" I asked myself, but knowing that she wasn't listening to me.

"Okay.." I sighed, and began making my way towards the cave, that was until I saw someone else there. I hid in the bushes, waiting to see who it was.

JInx stood in front of the cave waiting for Misty 'this place was well hidden...someone's here....Night' she thought.

Jinx grabbed a throwing knife and threw it at him.

"Night, I told you to not-...oh you're not Night...sorry" she said.

My eyes widen, as the brush of wind came by my cheek.

I then picked it from out of the tree, and turned to the person that threw it. " Um..." I then saw who it was.

'Darn it Misty!!!! This is all a setup! You trying to get me to talk to new people ploy! Why is always girls though!' I hissed in my mind.

I sighed and threw her back to her. " If you were trying to kill missed." I simply said.

She caught the knife.

"Wasn't trying to kill you...well Night..sorry I was expecting Misty...oh well it really doesn't matter as long as it's not Night I really don't care who it is." she said putting the knife away "You coming or not? Cause if not then I'll just go by myself." I asked him.

I began to blush a bit..I wasn't sure what to do, but...I was interested in the secrets the cave was hiding, but then again she's a girl!'s not like anything is going to happen between the both of us...

The thought of Yoko kissing me appeared in my mind. ' What?! No!?' I yelled in my mind, and shook my head.

A guy being accidently kissed by two new girls does not happen twice...nothing is going to happen...

" Um..right." I walked after her, and we entered the tomb. " I didn't know you were going to be here...but I should had known Misty was trying to set us all up." I stated, not looking at Jinx.

"I'm just happy that this wasn't a setup that Night made trying to get me to go on a date with him.....what he's done that before." she told him "I've been told that this dugon is hard and so far no one has beaten it yet." I said.

I scoff. " Yet, key word." I said, looking around.

We made it to a pretty dark part of the cave. I sighed, and raised my hand." oss, nada nott, lysa, auga..." I whispered and a light appeared around us. " Can you see?"

"Yeah thanks." Jinx said the entrance closed behind us. "weird...I wasn't told about this." I whispered to myself just brushing it off. 'It's probably nothing' I thought.

I looked around.. ' Must be one of those games where you can't log off until you beat it...Wait! I don't have time for this!!' I could feel the stress building up. ' And I'm stuck with this one! Then-'

A banging noise distracted me from my thoughts. The noise came from a room on our left. The noise sounded clumsy and loud. " Maybe it's a mob?" I whispered to Jinx.

"Maybe but not's sounds more like something running around in a circle? What would do that.." she said "whatever it is be ready." I told him.

I thought came into mind, but I knew it wasn't possible..'nah, he's not that stupid' I thought.

" Sure.." I said. We walked carefully into the room, weapons in our hands.

The noise stopped, but picked up again, now I could feel it coming towards us from around the corner.

" What!" I gasped.

Love is a Lie ( Beetle's Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ