Stage 25

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She looked at him with different eyes.

"Yeah... I did..." she said looking down.

Beetle looked down, his bangs covering his eyes. " I know the pain you felt....I seen death before..." he whispered.

Yoko looked at him shocked. Was he trying to be somewhat nice?

Beetle turned away. " Sometimes you have to just bury it. Feelings like that blind you, and that can be a problem in the future when your life depends on it."

"Burying feelings isn't the best thing... they'll come back... and they won't stop until you begin to accept them...." she said.

Beetle glared at her. " Accept them, and then bury them....Emotions only drag you down. They're pointless."

"They're essential... if you just turn them off then you'll just be that... blank, and when someone comes into your life and you lose them, then you won't know how to function... do you wanna know what the last words were to my mother?" She asked glaring at him with tears in her eyes, "I said I hated her." She added.

Beetle gasped softly, and looked at her softly. " Yoko..I..."

He was left with nothing to say....but he still didn't believe what Yoko was saying was true..He still refused to accept emotions.

She continued to cry as she saw the images. The man, her mom whispering she loved her before he pulled the trigger. It all flashed before her eyes, but she knew her mother, and she wouldn't want to see her like this, a wreck.

Beetle then took her into his arms, and hugged her softly. " Just..just let it all out.." he whispered softly, though he didn't like to touch or talk to people....he wasn't going to let a girl cry like this...

She cried for a about 5 more minutes as she clung to him, for comfort. "I understand you better than you think." She finally said.

Beetle froze a bit, and looked down. " Believe me, you don't want to understand me.." he whispered. " If you want to stay's best that you don't know me."

"But I do..." she said firmly "Whether you like it or not... I can tell we've both suffered from a situation where one wrong move could result in us dying... you're a survivor of SAO... I was just a little girl, ordinary, but then me and my mom weren't having a good day... I shouted in her face that I hated her... that's when that man came with a gun... and he, she tried to get from him but he shot her... her dying words were that she loved me...." she explained as the tears fell "I don't know how... but I got the gun... and I killed him..." she added as she the tears didn't stop.

Beetle looked down. " The blood on my hands has still yet to be paid. After losing my sister seven years ago, I lost myself." That's when he got to his feet. " We kill people everyday. Blood is on everyone's hands, literally or spiritually."

Just around the corner Misty was coming.

" Throughout all this I learned one thing about life. Love is a lie in which man made up to erase the blood on their hands." He said looking at her with cold eyes. " It's best you forget'll save you a lot of trouble."

"Learn to forgive yourself, jerk." She said irritated as she accepted some food from Misty "I'll be in this vicinity, just need to clear my head." She said kindly to Misty.

Misty nodded softly. Then once she left she turned to glare at Beetle.

"Beetle! You're an idiot!"

" I've been call so many things I could care less." He huffed.

" When are you going to realize that others have been through worst, and they might actually try to connect with you!!!" She yelled at him.

" I don't have time for connections. Life does not spare the ones that love." He scoffed.

" It's not your fault they all left! It's not your fault Mimi died!" She yelled.

Beetle froze and then turned away. " I have test I need to study for. I going back to the inn." He turned and flew away.

Misty was left with Yoko in the pasture. But she did not cry.

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