Stage ten

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" I never thought I'll see you here." Mrs. Hanuki smiled softly.

I shrugged, and took a sip from the tea she gave me.

" Now..what brings you here, is it something about your foster parents?" she asked.

I looked at her shocked. " Oh, no!'s not them...I." I cleared my throat. " You see something happened last week, and I wanted to know about how I got here."

Her eyes soften, and then she got up. " Well, I knew that this was coming, but it all feels too soon." she whispered. " Not many kids take this information really well, do you really want to know?" she asked.

I felt my heart hurting a bit. Well, now I don't want to, but...

" Yes, I don't want to go on not knowing the truth." I said, my voice strong and sure.

The old woman sighed, and she pulled out a cream folder from a cabinet. " There's not much information, but it all started from when you were a tiny baby. A man found you in a cardboard box on the side of the road. I remember it was raining that day, and you were a tiny little thing, and you were so cold and hungry. Your mother had probably just left you recently from that moment. We're not sure who your mother really was, for all we know is that she wrapped you up, but for some reason....just left you there." she said. " All that you had was a blanket, the cloths that were on you, and a name....Aiko." she whispered.

" She left me?" I then looked up at her. " She left me on the side of a road?"

" Aiko, we don't know what happened, it could had been on accident, or something happened to her." she said, her eyes showing worry.

" When I saw that memory, she was singing to me, and then she left me...I'm pretty sure she left me to die." I growled.

" Aiko, she would had never wanted you to die! She clothed you, sang to you, and she even gave you a name." she said.

" It's all a lie." I said, looking down.

" How can it be a lie?" she said.

" means "loved child", but I don't see how that applies to me. This supposed "loved child" was abandoned by his own mother on the side of a road....Why would she give me such a horrid name?" I hissed at her.

" Aiko...we don't know why she did what she did, but...all we know is that you're here. Alive, and hopefully will soon have a forever home." she said.

" The man who found me...Who is he?" I asked.

" His name was...let me think....oh, I don't seem to remember his name sadly.." she said. " I'm sorry..." she said.

I shook my head. " It's okay...I think you told me everything I needed to know." I stood up, and smiled. " Thank you."

I left the orphanage with a bitter taste in my mouth. The thought that I was abandoned by my own mother enraged me.

Why give birth to me then? If you wanted me to die anyway.....

I walked down the street wandering into a new area in which echoed that of a distant memory.

There on the crosswalk at the intersection seemed to familiar. I looked around, and there was nothing, but the norm happening.

I continued walking down the street, and then turning the corner I was brought to a small alleyway.

*caw caw!*

A flock of birds burst into panic as I turned that corner. I jumped back in sudden shock, but then regain my balance.

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