Stage 22

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The morning and early afternoon shift was always the best. People were a little tired from just waking up or just hungry and wanted coffee or tea as she couldn't serve alcohol yet and Agil didn't start serving it until around 3 pm. So it worked perfectly.

Yoko had just finished her shift. And it was friday and had just been paid.

"Thanks again Agil. I'll see you in ALO later." She said putting her cash in her purse

"Stay safe kid." He said smiling as he was tall and muscular,his skin dark and his voice deep

With that she left and took the bus back to her studio flat. Once there. She laid down and turned on the ax and slipped on the crown like device with a tinted lense covering her eyes, the countdown started.

"Link Start!" She shouted and was launched into pure white passed a blur of all seven basic colors and was then in ALO

The wind blew onto the sky, and there people flew over head. This was ALO. Little did she know that this day was going to change everything. There a giant fight was about to start nearby.

" Tear that red head apart!" Someone yelled.

" Beat him!!"

She looked confused as she started running to follow, but used her wings to keep up and follow them.

'What's going on now?' she thought

There in the middle of the crowd was a bigger man, looked like a Salamander, but in front of him was a smaller boy with red hair; a Spriggan. Looked like a duel of some sort.

" You're an idiot if you want to to challenge me." The small one scoff.

" You have a big mouth, try showing me how well you bite!" He yelled back.

The battle begun, and as they took flight they begun their battle. The red hair pulled out his red and silvers blades and quickly took to the sky.

" Running are we?" The Salamander followed him, but at quick speed the red hair shot back down as if using his swords like a spear; then shooting the man straight down to the ground. The battle was over.

Such speed! Something told her that there was something about him that was more than what he showed.

" Well, you should never underestimate that kid. That Salamander must be a newbie." There a girl with blue hair in a ponytail smiled. " I haven't seen you around. Have you seen a battle like this before?"

"Plenty of times. Where I come from this is common. And he doesn't look like a newb, he's got experience." Yoko said "Yoko." She added offering her hand

The girl smiled and shook her hand, " Misty, so you've been here before then?"

"I'm only one month in, but the last game I was in was all PVP. So I can tell when a player is good, and he's got skill, the Spriggan with red hair." Yoko said

Misty nodded and at that moment he came to them. " Hey, Beetle! That move is getting better." She smiled.

The boy nodded, and then turned to Yoko for a moment and turned away. " I told you I do not need you following me. " He hissed.

" Beetle, you can't go on like this." She said back. " Did you forget that we're part of the same guild, or what?"

Beetle scoffed and walked away. " Follow me if you like, but I'm not babysitting you."

Misty nudged her, " That's him." She smiled

She sighed and smiled a little. "I see, he seems friendly." Yoko said and gave a sharp whistle to the Salamander "You wanna another go? Take me on." She called to the man.

The Salamander smirked. " Why not, I'm not doing anything else today." He said.

Misty smiled at her. " Hmm, this will be interesting."

At that moment Beetle stopped and turned around. His eyes locked onto hers.

Her cat ears twitched and her tail was swaying slightly as she looked back at Beetle. Then walked up the Salamander, looking up at him.

"How's a hit duel sound? First one to land a solid hit wins." She said as she set up the duel, a window in front of him with a blue button for yes, and a red one for no.

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