Stage 40

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Yoko didn't say anything at the time, and walked up to Beetle.

She hugged him slowly. "I have... I thought you were a jerk from day one... but these stupid feelings wouldn't leave... and even while I was gone... I kept wondering about you..." she said quietly holding onto him in a hug.

Beetle began to blush, but hugged her back. " I-I.." he growled softly. " I kept thinking about you too, but I can', Yoko, you don't understand there's no such..I-" he stopped and rested his head on hers.

The thought of the Ice Queen and everything rested on his mind. He didn't believe in love, there no such thing, but...there was something about her and then all that's happened...there was something about Yoko that made him think about her....perhaps even have something towards her....but he kept them buried.

"Don't give me that load of crap." She said her eyes burning into him "I know all about Mimi... and I may not have grown up in an orphanage. But I never knew my father... it turns out he left my mom before I was born... she struggled to even remain in this world, you know how hard it is to do it all on your own, but I didn't lose a sibling..." she explained, her words somewhat broken, as tears began to fall.

Beetle didn't say anything at the moment, and just scowled towards the distance, that was until Yoko looked up at him.

Tears coming harder than before as she stared into his mismatched eyes.

"No... one day at a post office... a man came in... he was at the end of his rope... he just wanted money... but when he shot my mom... I... I... I lunged at him... bit him hard and got the gun... can you guess what happened next? I shot him... I shot someone I didn't even know and left his own daughter and wife without a husband and father to expect to come home to... do you know how bad that hurts? It kills me everytime!" She explained as well as she fell to her knees shaking hard.

Beetle knelt down next to her, and looked at her. " Yoko..." he started, but he didn't know what to say, but he still didn't like a girl crying in front of him.

He closed his eyes and with that they teleported off into a different floor. It was covered with blue roses and trees.

" I know how it feels to kill someone...I know what it's like to have that burden...but you don't want to love me..." He said softly to her, and began carefully wiping the tears from her eyes. " I...can't love you...I don't have that emotion in me anymore..."

He then turned to a small gravestone in the tree.

" You see that grave...that's where I buried my sister.....and my past self..." He said. " The person that use to smile and love died the moment she was taken from me! I don't have feelings like that because the aren't real and are used to kill people!" He hissed at her. " Yoko, if you love me..I can't love you.."

She looked at the stone and then at him. "You can't lie to a woman who knows you... and I see it deep in your eyes... you may not feel love... but I see it... something is starting to take root inside you.. even if this world is just nothing but ones and zeros... you're feeling something... I know it..." she said her cat eyes boring into his and placed a hand on his chest "I can feel a strong beating heart... the heart of a fighter..." she added.

Beetle shook his head. " I-I don't have that in don't know anything about me.." he hissed, but then paused, but his eyes now glaring at her with more gold than blue.

" You don't know the betrayal that happened to birth mother left me on the street in the rain as a baby! My sister was taken away! Then now there a PK called Ice Queen who's going to kill anyone I'm a associated with in order to get to me! I can't let myself have feelings with anyone! Love and everything else along with it is nothing but a stupid excuse to get close to people, who in the end get killed!!" He finally yelled, but then turned away.

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