Stage three

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I walked around, not knowing where or what to do...

" Darn it, Mizuki! You should had at least helped me with the basics!" I hissed.

" You called?"

I gasped, and turned around. There a girl with orange hair, cat ears and tail, and dark green eyes looked at me.

" Please tell me you're not her." I growled, looking at her.

" Yup, too bad!" she smiled. " In this world we don't call each other by our real"

Suddenly a screen popped up and showed my name and hers. " Mimi?"

" Yup, now press yes to join my party." she smiled.

I sighed, and pressed the blue button. " There, and-"

Mimi started busting up laughing.

" What now?!" I hissed at her.

" Your name! You actually did it!?" she laughed.

I glared at the ground. " Well, it's not like I had time to think about was the only thing that popped up." I said.

" Okay then, Beetle." she smiled. " Come on, I'll go help you with the basics now."

Mimi took my hand and took me to a small pasture just outside the city. There wasn't too many players out here so I guess I was safe for the time being.

" First off, you have no skill right now, but you are able to gain that by winning battles. Well, hang on your a Spriggan, right?" she said.

I nodded my head. " Yes..why?"

" Okay, so you're kind can use Black Magic, Illusions, and can carry a variety of weapons." she stated.

" Then your Cait Smith, aren't you." I then told her, referring to her cat ears and tail.

She nodded. " Wow, you memorized that quickly." she said shocked.

" I have a good memory. So does our different races affect who we can talk to?" I asked, not really knowing the answer.

She shook her head. " No anymore, the old one did, but they fixed that. Now everyone can talk and be friends." she smiled.

" I see, so how do I train to get stronger?" I asked, gripping my fist.

" Well, first try flying." she said, and suddenly light green wings appeared on her back and she took flight. My eyes widen as I saw her. " See!"

I then looked at my screen, and activated my wings. A faint glowing came from behind me, and I turned to look at them.

The top wings were a dark red, but the bottom were a white

" Oh, I never seen a dual colored wings." she said, looking at them in awe.

I took flight barely off the ground though. Then I looked at her.

" Like this?" I asked.

" Yeah, perfect!" she smiled. " Follow me!"

We took to the skies, and we kept flying towards the next village, I wanted to go higher though, I wanted to reach the top!

I shot up and kept going, I was going to touch the sky.

*Altitude limit!*

My wings disappeared for a moment, and I began to fall.

" Great!" I hissed, but then the falling didn't scare me.

I saw a stone at the ground and pulling out my sword, and aimed to attack it. The speed grew greater, and I aimed my sword at it.

" Wait, the sword will break! Pull up!" Mimi yelled at me.

" What?!" I was able to pull up quickly, my wings appearing again, and I stopped. " What's the point of the sword if it's not strong enough." I asked.

Mimi shook her head. " Look, we'll meet some blacksmiths in the next town, I'll help you find a suitable weapon. So for now try to keep your only weapon." she sighed.

" Very well, that would be logical." I smiled.

Next town..

The town was small, and was quite beautiful. It was a mountain village and the floating houses were connected with small paths.

" Oh, wow! I never seen a floating city like this!" I gasped looking at it.

" Yup, watch I have a friend who runs a cafe, and there a good inn we can stay the night at." she said, and grabbing my hand she took me to the city.

We walked a little ways, and I decided to learn more about the game.

" So..what else do I need to know?" I asked.

" Well, we can form a bigger party, and once we do we could start beating different bosses." she said.

" Bosses?"

" Yup, there are hundred floors, and each one has a Boss, and you can earn different things from each one, if you beat it of course." she smiled.

" how do we-hey!" I bumped into someone. " I'm sorry.." I said, getting my footing again.

" Oh, hey no problem.." the girl stuttered.

I looked up at her, and saw her silver eyes, and light blue hair in a pony tail.

" Are you a Undine?" I asked, looking at her shocked.

" Beetle! Stop being clumsy! Sorry, this is his first time." Mimi said to the girl.

" Oh, a newbie, huh..In that case I'm Misty." she held out her hand. I looked at it.

" I'm Beetle." I said, then shaking her hand.

" I'm surprised you knew what race I was. Good memory." she giggled. " Mimi, why didn't you tell me that you had a boy-"

" No way! He's way older than me, and actually he's my brother." she said to him, blushing a bit.

Misty looked shocked, and began to blush. " Oh my! I'm sorry!!!" she stuttered, blushing more.

" Oh, it's fine..." I said, turning towards the ground, then back at her.

There was an icon over Misty's head. She must had joined a party.

" So I see you're still with the Dancing Leaves Guild." Mimi smiled at her.

Misty smiled softly. " Yes, I am...but that doesn't affect our friendship, Mimi."

Mimi nodded, and then turned back at Beetle. " We've been friends for a while now, but we are in separate guilds." she explained to me.

" I see." I simply said.

Misty nodded, and then checked the time. " Hey, it's getting late, we better check into a inn for the night." she said.

We each nodded our head, and we reached the inn that Mimi suggested in the first place.

She lead me to one of the rooms. " So, what do you think of this world so far?" she asked, looking at me smiling.

I stopped, and looked at myself in the reflection of the window.

" It's like I found a hidden self that I never seen before here...Honestly, it's pretty a test of survival..." I then turned to Mimi, and smiled. " Thank you, Mimi."

She giggled, and hugged me. " I'm glad I got to share this with you, Brother." she smiled.

My heart froze a bit, and I felt a sort of warmth that I never felt before. It

I smiled, and kissed her forehead. " If that is what you wish, then I promise to be the best brother I can be." I smiled. " Now, you better log out, we have school tomorrow." I said.

" See you back home then!" she smiled. 

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