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After what seemed like ages, Marina and Nathan left Torrentice in the royal carriage gifted to them by Marina's family. The carriage that was being driven by two white horses, was extensively decorated with white lilies that very well complemented the red and golden body of the carriage. Ally and Brialle accompanied Marina and Nathan in a carriage just behind them.

Marina felt the pain and sadness seeping in her heart as the distance between her kingdom and her increased. She was going to a foreign kingdom, which though happened to be an Ardimentoso, was very different from her home, from her lifestyle, from her.

The only comforting fact about going there is that she was accompanied by Brialle, Ally and Nathan.

"Wait!! Did I say Nathan? Why would I be grateful for his company?"

While debating with herself, Marina looked at Nathan. It had been half an hour since the carriage had started, but no words had been exchanged between them. It was like they were invisible to each other. But, Marina blamed their lack of conversation on Nathan.

"Firstly, he did not even make an attempt to talk with her."

"Not like you did," Marina's inner voice mocks her. Ignoring it, she continues.

"Secondly, he seems more interested in the view outside the carriage, which is nothing more than trees."

The more Marina thought, the more her head ached. Until, it seemed too much to even think about Torrentice. Soon, her eyelids started getting heavy and darkness engulfed her.

Nathan looked at his wife, she seemed so calm while sleeping, a sharp contrast to her fiery, witty personality. The carriage stirred a bit off road probably due to some stone. This movement caused Marina to shift from her place and her head laid on Nathan's chest.

Nathan tried to shift her but on seeing how comfortable Marina seemed, he decided against it. They had covered half the journey, they still had three hours to go before they reached Alves.

"It will be almost night, by the time we reach Alves. But, then what? I have to talk to her, I can't just keep ignoring her. It's not like I want to ignore her but, I don't know from where to start," Nathan says to himself while sighing.

(At the Palace Of Alves)
[After six hours of journey]

"Brialle likes the castle. It's good to see at least someone likes to be here."

"Don't be so... pessimistic, Marines. You should get used to this castle too. After all, it's your home now," Anne says to Marina.

"Yeah, whatever," Marina replies, entering Nathan's room.

It was an equally large room like she had in Torrentice. In the centre of the room was a huge four poster black canopy bed with golden bedsheets and brown comforters and pillows.

A bookshelf was built on the left side of the room with thousands of books ranging from mystery to action to history. At the corner of the room, lay two red armchairs with brown and green borders along with a wooden table with black linen on which a red vase containing white lilies was placed. Just beside the two armchairs, a fireplace was built, whose door was closed at the moment.

The whole room was carpeted with rich brown carpets that had geometric patterns made of yellow, red and orange. The walls that had been painted in yellow color along with geometric patterns of brown and black on it, had the flag of Alves and a shield (that had two swords inserted in a criss - cross manner), beautifully decorating the walls.

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