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Chapter 51: Part 2 - Conflicts &      Confessions.

Recap -

"I know you are a really nice person, N-Prince Nathaniel. You think it's your duty to protect others. But, I was far much better without your protection, your Alves."

(Continuation going on...)

"I know you are a really nice person, N-Prince Nathaniel. You think it's your duty to protect others. But, I was far much better without your protection, your Alves. At least, when I was in Torrentice, I was sure who I was, how I felt, but YOU. You always confuse me. At times, we are cracking jokes. Then, all of a sudden, you become a total stranger and block me out, like I never mattered to you. Yet, yet for some God damn reason, I fell in love with you, when you clearly don't care and are about to marry Princess Admiranda. I don't even know why I--" Marina stopped her rambling suddenly, realizing what she had said.

She dared to look up at Nathan, who stood there shock written over his face. Marina turned around, ready to flee and save whatever was left of her dignity.

You robbed me off my pride. Marina's inner voice, fake cried.

However, Nathan stopped her from running by holding her wrist. He tried to turn her around, but Marina shook her head as tears built inside her.

Sighing, Nathan dropped Marina's arm, only to cage her in his arms from behind. He wrapped his arms around Marina's waist and gently kept his chin on Marina's exposed shoulder. Marina felt goosebumps with sudden close contact.

"If you don't want to face me, be it so. But, I am not letting you run away, either. Especially, not after what you told me tonight. Firstly, I am sorry for giving you the mixed signals and avoiding you like that Marina. Secondly, the whole point of calling you here was to stop being a coward, face my feelings and confess them to you," Nathan said, his hot breath fanning Marina's cheeks.

"Confess?" Marina asked, her voice coming out small.

"Yes, Princess. I want to make a confession," Nathan replied, smiling.

"I love you, Princess Marina Verdirosi. I don't know when it happened or why, but I'm glad to have met you and married you. I didn't want you to wander off alone because I care for you and... I love you."

"W-What?" Marina asked, turning back quickly, shock evident on her face.

"B-But how can you love me? I am not feminine and don't exactly dress up. Besides, you are going to marry Princess Admiranda soon and how can you claim--" Marina's words are cut off by Nathan as he presses his lips against hers.

When the initial shock wore off, Marina found herself kissing back her arrogant green-eyed prince. Their lips moved in sync as Nathan wrapped his arms around Marina's waist, pulling her closer. While his other hand gently carassed Marina's cheeks and jawline.

Marina found her fingers involuntarily playing with Nathan's silky brown hair. It felt like the forest was calling out to the ocean to quench its thirst, to help it survive. The ocean water was what the forest needed to live.

As the two broke their kiss, Marina blushed hard, thinking about what had happened. She tried to create some space between them, but Nathan wouldn't let her. He quickly pulled Marina back towards himself, engulfing her in a tight embrace. Marina found herself, hugging back her husband, drinking in the moment till it could last.

She felt conflicted. Her lips were still tingling and she felt so right, as if she belonged there in Nathan's embrace, but what about Princess Admiranda.

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