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Aomine was sitting next to Kagami on the couch, just looking at his lover and waiting for him to say something.  Kagami had taken off the hat and pulled his tail out once they were inside his mom's house and now his ears and tail were both drooping to match Kagami's downcast expression.  Aomine thought it was completely adorable, but he didn't want to say anything yet.

"Aomine," Kagami's quiet words got Aomine on the edge of his seat looking at the redhead.  Kagami kept looking at the coffee table as he spoke, "The ears and tail usually only grow once a month because it's connected to the lunar cycle and it's for... for mating..."

Aomine had to stop himself from staring at Kagami, he wasn't sure he'd heard him correctly.  If he ears and tail were for mating, no wonder Kagami's whole body seemed different when they did it like that.  Aomine didn't say anything, he let Kagami continue because there was definitely more that Kagami looked like he was holding back.

Kagami took a deep breath, "Aomine... with my ears coming back and with everything... this all means..."  Kagami paused, taking a breath and finding the strength to look up at Aomine, "I'm pregnant."

Aomine looked back at Kagami, eyes wide.  Those words took a long time to sink in.  His boyfriend was pregnant?  Even with the cat ears and everything he hadn't thought that would be possible.

Kagami quickly dropped his gaze and hunched his shoulders up, "You don't have to do anything, it's not your responsibility.  I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of a baby.  I can find someone to adopt them..."  Kagami stopped when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him.  He looked at Aomine next to him.

Aomine pulled back a little to kiss Kagami's forehead.  He then looked at Kagami, eyes narrowed, "Like hell this isn't my responsibility."  He brought his hand up to lightly flick Kagami's forehead, "Don't dare think that I'm going to let you go through this alone."  Aomine took a deep breath, forcing the words out, "And if you want to give the baby up for adoption... I will stand by your decision."

"Aomine..." Kagami couldn't help the tears streaming down his face, he didn't imagine Aomine would react as sweet as this.  He saw tears forming in Aomine's eyes too, "Aomine, why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying," Aomine blinked more times than was necessary, trying to fight back the tears.  "I just want to have a family with you.  I never thought it would just fall into our laps like this, I always thought we'd have to go through some long process to adopt.  And now we have this chance at our own family.  I don't want to throw that way easily."

Kagami hugged Aomine tightly, burying his face in Aomine's shoulder.  He was crying too uncontrollably now and this was the best way to hide how embarrassing it must surely look.  "I don't want to give up our family either.  I just don't want to force you, because you didn't know this could even happen and I asked you to do it without protection..."

Aomine wrapped his arms around Kagami, resting a hand on the back of Kagami's head and gently rubbing his back with the other.  "I want to be here with you Kagami, I won't leave you or let you suffer alone.  I promise."

"I love you so much," Kagami hugged Aomine tighter, feeling so lucky to be with Aomine.

Aomine kept rubbing his back, "I love you too."

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