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The nurse brought them into the back and to one of the offices. She got out her notebook, doing standard things like taking Kagami's blood pressure and checking his reflexes. Kagami started to relax, everything seemed normal. The nurse started asking her routine questions, but then she got to one that Kagami just couldn't answer. She asked, "When was the date of your last period?"

Kagami stared at her a moment. He could feel Aomine's eyes on him, making his face turn a dark red. Kagami swallowed, trying to smile at the nurse, "Can you just get the doctor please?"

The nurse tilted her head to the side, furrowing her brow, "Um yes. The doctor will be in shortly." The nurse got up and quickly went out the back way of the office into the doctors' part of the clinic.

Aomine leaned forward a little, touching Kagami's arm, "Do you really have periods?"

Kagami blushed harder. He took off his slouchy hat and busied his hands with the fabric, his ears pressed flat against his head. He shook his head, unable to look at Aomine, "No. I don't. Not in that sense of the word. It's just every full moon, nekos like me shift and for me, it kind of changes what I am."

The back door to the doctor's part of the clinic opened and a tall woman in bright green glasses walked in. She shut the door behind her, going right up to Kagami, taking a hold of his hands. "Taiga! It's been years since I've seen you! I remember when your mom was in here talking to me about her baby." Dr Green stepped back, looking at Kagami's ears and over at Aomine. She grinned, "And to think you came back to me for the same reason, I'm honored."

Kagami couldn't help blushing more and looking away. Dr Green laughed, "Now, don't be embarrassed, this is perfectly natural thing." Dr Green turned her gaze to Aomine, "Now you need to introduce me to this fine fellow holding your hand."

Kagami almost didn't realize that Aomine was still holding his hand. Not that he minded. He certainly was glad to have Aomine at his side. He held Aomine's hand a little tighter, looking over at him, "This is Aomine Daiki, my fiancé."

"Getting married, a baby on the way," Dr Green smiled, getting her computer set up to take a few notes, "You two really love each other."

Aomine smiled, looking into Kagami's eyes, "We do."

"Now then," Dr Green looked at the both of them, "I'm just going to ask you a few questions about your medical history and your family's history. We'll do an ultrasound to make sure the baby's okay, and then I'll give you some tips for prenatal health."

Kagami just nodded, he was glad that Dr Green knew his mom, that would make the family history part go faster. After all the questions were done, Dr Green had Kagami move to the examination table. She had it propped up so he didn't have to lay all the way back. Kagami reached out to Aomine, he didn't want to let go of his lover. He knew it was only an ultrasound, but he was still nervous. What if everything wasn't okay with the baby? He couldn't handle that on his own. Aomine immediately went over to Kagami, standing next to him and tightly holding his hand.

Dr Green finished getting the equipment set up and pulled on a pair of latex gloves. "Can you lift your shirt?" Kagami hesitated before lifting his shirt above his abs. Dr Green's eyes widened for a moment, "You're certainly the most toned patient I've had come into my office."

"Daiki and I play basketball on our college team."

"I'm sorry to have to say this," Dr Green picked up the ultrasound sensor and a tub of gel, "Too much physical activity won't be good for you during the pregnancy. You'll notice it more later when the baby starts to show."

Kagami nodded, "I'm quitting the team."

Dr Green didn't say anything else about it. She dipped the sensor in the gel, holding it over Kagami's abdomen. She looked up at him, "This is going to be cold."

Kagami nodded and Dr Green lowered the sensor onto his belly. He knew she said it would be cold, but felt almost freezing. He let out this high-pitched sound, something between a squeal and a mewl. When he realized he was the one making the sound, he immediately clamped his mouth shut, looking down as face turned red all the way to his ears. He could hear Aomine chuckling next to him. Aomine leaned in, kissing the side of Kagami's head.

Dr Green moved the sensor over Kagami's abdomen, spreading the gel out. Moments later, black and white images appeared on the screen connected to the sensor. She pointed to some dots on the screen, "That's your baby. Actually, looks like you're going to be having twins."

"Twins?" Kagami's eyes widened, he looked up at Aomine.

Aomine smiled down at him, giving Kagami's hand a gentle squeeze. "It's amazing."

"From the look of it," Dr Green looked back at Kagami, smiling, "It looks like you're six weeks pregnant."

Aomine leaned down, wrapping his arm around Kagami's shoulders, holding him tightly. He leaned his head against Kagami's, whispering, "You're so amazing."

[an: this chapter is definitely longer than I expected! I hope liked it! it's official, they're having twins! :D the feels! xD Now, I know I gave Dr Green a description like Alex, but she's not Alex, Alex will probably appear later in the story, at the wedding maybe? but I hope you like this update and I'd love to hear your thoughts!]

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