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When they were finished eating, Aomine pulled Kagami's chair back and before Kagami could stand up himself, Aomine leaned down and picked Kagami up bridal style.  Kagami blushed heavily but didn't refuse.  He hid his face against Aomine's chest, but still brought his tail up to curl around Aomine's arm.  Aomine chuckled, he loved how shy Kagami could be, but still wanted to be close to him.

Aomine carried Kagami to the bedroom, he certainly was getting heavier but it wasn't like Aomine minded.  It just made him a little sad.  Kagami was already a big guy and since he was carrying a baby now too, Aomine wasn't sure how much longer he could pick him up like this.  But seeing Kagami's cute face nuzzling into his chest was so worth it.

He leaned his head down to kiss one of Kagami's rounded, fluffy tiger ears.  Kagami's ear flicked at the sudden touch and Kagami turned his face up enough to have one eye looking up at Aomine.  Kagami's face was even redder than before, Aomine loved it, "You're so precious, Taiga."

Kagami blushed more and hid his face again, pressing his ears down against his head and tightening his tail around Aomine's arm.  Aomine laughed again, carefully opening the door to the bedroom.  He walked in, gently laying Kagami down on the bed.

Aomine tried to take a step back, but Kagami kept his tail tightly wrapped around Aomine's wrist.  Kagami reached his hand up to take hold of Aomine's hand too.  He glanced up at Aomine, "Don't go."

Aomine smiled, holding Kagami's hand tightly, "I'll just be a few minutes.  I'm just going to clean up the dishes and then I'll be right back."

"Then I should help," Kagami started to sit up.

Aomine pushed him to lay back down again, "No, I can do this.  You already made dinner, you've done enough.  Besides, it's just dishes, it's not like I'll burn anything."

Kagami giggled, his eyes closing as he laughed.  Aomine stared at him, wide-eyed, for a moment.  He felt like his heart had been pierced by Cupid all over again.  Aomine leaned down, kissing Kagami's forehead, "You really are so precious."

Kagami smiled, pressing his forehead into Aomine's lips, "I love you, Daiki."

Aomine smiled back, stepping back so he could just look at Kagami for a moment.  He wanted to stay in this moment forever.  "I love you too."

[AN: I hope you like this update~! I just couldn't resist the cuteness! And guess what's going to come up soon! Telling Aomine's parents about the baby and then the wedding~! 😄 stay tuned~]

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