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Aomine gulped as he and Kagami stood in front of his parents door.  His hand was stuck inches from the door, poised to knock.  But he just couldn't do it.  After a minute, Kagami raised his hand and knocked for Aomine.  Aomine glanced at Kagami.  "Sorry."

Kagami smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I'm nervous too."

Aomine took hold of Kagami's hand, holding it tightly.  He didn't have a chance to say anything before the door swung open.  "Daiki, Taiga," Yuriko grinned, pulling them inside.  "I thought you weren't coming until later.  Where're your parents, Taiga?"

Kagami let out a nervous laugh, walking inside with Aomine and his mom.  "Oh my mom will be here later as planned.  My dad won't be able to come out until closer to the wedding.  He's still in LA."

"We have something we wanted to tell you and Dad," Aomine interjected, "We figured it would be easier to tell you before his mom got here."

"Sure, but could be so important?"  Yuriko went into the living room sitting on the couch, Kagami and Aomine quietly following her.  "You're already engaged."

Hayato walked in from the kitchen, "Daiki, Taiga, you're early."

Yuriko got up, walking over to her husband.  She took his hand and pulled him towards the couch, "They have some important news they want to tell us."

Kagami looked at Aomine and back at his lap.  Aomine held Kagami's hand tighter.  He looked at his mom, then his dad.  "I don't know how to say it, so I'm going to just say it."  He looked back at Kagami, smiling as he said, "Taiga and I are having a baby."

"You're adopting a baby?"  Both his parents were quiet for a moment before a smile spread on Yuriko's face.  "So soon to be making that kind of big decision.  Are you able to fill out the paperwork, do you need help?"

Aomine shook his head, looking back at his mom.  "We're not adopting."

"Surrogacy then?"  She kept smiling, leaning forward, "Do you know if which of you will be the father?"

"We're not doing a surrogate," Aomine said, trying to keep his voice strong.  He held onto Kagami's hand tighter, bracing himself for how his parents would react.  They both just stared at Aomine and Kagami.  Kagami shifted under their gaze, turning to hide against Aomine.  Aomine cleared his throat, saying louder and with more conviction, "Taiga is pregnant and I'm the father."

[AN: I hope you like this update! And yes, I couldn't resist leaving you on a cliffhanger! But don't be mad, I'm already starting the next part and I'll have it up before you know it! ^^ ]

Full Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें