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Kagami was sitting on the couch, hunched over his laptop. Aomine wondered what he was up to. He slid down onto the couch sitting pressed right up against Kagami. He leaned over, kissing Kagami's ear, making the redhead giggle and twitch his cat ears. "Aomine, that tickles."

Aomine wrapped his arm around Kagami's shoulders, looking down at Kagami's computer screen, "I just wondered what you were up to."

He snuggled closer to Aomine, moving his laptop so Aomine could see the screen too. "I was just looking at some wedding venues. This one looks really nice, but it's only available May 10th and that's just six weeks away."

"Well you wanted it to be sooner rather than later," he smiled, looking at the pictures Kagami had up. It was like a nice old house kind of place, open areas outside and inside for ceremonies depending on where you wanted the wedding to take place. "If this is the place you want, we should just go for it."

"Really? I know six weeks isn't much time," Kagami bit his lip, glancing back at Aomine.

He nodded, "Didn't you say you wanted to get married before the baby starts to show? If we wait any longer, you might not be able to hide it."

"Yeah," Kagami smiled, starting to book the place online, "This really a perfect spot too." He glanced up at Aomine, "I was just thinking, who all do we want to invite?"

Aomine thought about it for a moment, it seemed hard to come up with a guest list all of a sudden. "Well both our families of course, Satsuki and Tetsu and the rest of them."

Kagami stopped what he was doing, looking down, "Yeah, we should... I haven't really talked to any of them since before college though. I wonder what they'd think about this, about us."

"I mean, Satsuki and Tetsu know we're dating, so I'd assume the rest of them know by now too." He held onto Kagami's shoulders a little tighter. He had been keeping in touch with Kuroko and Momoi, so much as they messaged him at least, but he did tell them things and him being with Kagami seemed like an important one. He had to wonder why Kagami had lost touch with them though, he and Kuroko were so close in high school.

Kagami pulled back from Aomine just a little to look at him fully, "You told them about us?"

"Well yeah, I didn't want to keep it from them," Aomine shrugged, looking back at Kagami, "This was a while ago when we were first going out. I haven't told them about being engaged or you being pregnant."

Kagami let out a little breath, that look of relief only made Aomine wonder more. Kagami smiled at him, "I should've talked to Kuroko a long time ago too. At least now, we can tell them that we're engaged."

"But not expecting?" Aomine narrowed his eyes a little, he had to be sure what Kagami wanted.

He shook his head slightly, "Not yet. It's not like we won't ever tell them, I just don't want to say it offhandedly to Kuroko or something because it's going to be a shock, no matter what."

"Maybe," Aomine reached up to rest a hand on Kagami's cheek, "But I think they'd be happy for us."

Kagami sighed and nuzzled into Aomine's hand, closing his eyes, "I know, I just don't need everyone knowing."

[AN: alright, what'd you think of this update?? sorry it took so long! just needed time to get back into the swing of updating! anyways, I'd love to hear your thoughts!]

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