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Kagami leaned back in the waiting room chair, scrunching his shoulders together.  It'd only been three days since Aomine asked about the doctor appointment.  The doctor had a cancellation and since she knew his mom, was able to get him in right away.  The doctor was aware of the ability Kagami had with the change that happened every full moon, she would be able to get Kagami all the proper care.  But that didn't make it any less awkward for Kagami sitting in the waiting room.

He and Aomine weren't the only couple in the room, but they were the only one that were both males.  He wasn't sure if it was true, but he felt like he was getting looks from other people in the room.  He just knew they were wondering why two guys were waiting to see a maternity doctor.

As if Aomine knew what Kagami was thinking, he wrapped his arm around Kagami's shoulders, pulling him towards his chest.  He kissed the side of Kagami's head, whispering, "Don't be so nervous, everything will be fine."

Kagami smiled, nodding.  He did his best to only focus on Aomine, he could actually relax that way.  "You're not embarrassed?  Or thinking you should be here with a woman instead of me?"

"Of course not," Kagami could feel Aomine shake his head as he held Kagami a little closer.  Aomine let out a small chuckle, "Honestly, I never thought I'd be seeing this kind of doctor.  I've always wanted to be with you, and if that meant we'd have to find another way to have a family, I was fine with that."  Kagami looked up into Aomine's smiling face, "But it's because you're different that we can have our own family."

"Daiki..." Kagami blushed a little at Aomine's words.  He turned his head down, hiding his face against Aomine's shoulder.  Aomine laughed again, gently rubbing Kagami's shoulder.

Moments later, a nurse walked into the room, calling for the next patient, "Kagami Taiga?"

Kagami lifted his head, looking at the woman who'd walked out.  He took a breath and stood up, Aomine standing up next to him.  The nurse's eyes widened a little when she saw the couple, but made no comment.  Kagami's shoulders sagged a little.  He didn't want to be embarrassed to be carrying Aomine's baby, but if this was how people reacted, he wasn't sure he could be strong.  The nurse composed herself enough to smile, "Please follow me."

Without another word, he and Aomine followed the nurse into the clinic and back to the doctor's office.

[an: what do you think of this chapter?? I probably won't go into much detail of the actual doctor's appointment (I have no idea how one would go 😅) but I hope you liked the feels and are liking the protective Panther!]

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