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Kagami slowly walked back into Aomine's apartment, the bluenette following behind him.  He bit his lip, walking into the living room and avoiding Aomine's gaze.  "This feels like a big step for us..."  He sat down onto the couch, "I mean, I guess I kind of live here with you already, but we've only been dating a few months..."

"Almost a year," Aomine sat down next to Kagami, "And we've known each other for a lot longer than that.  You're over thinking this."

Kagami whipped is head to look at Aomine, his expression completely serious, "What if you're not thinking over this enough?  This is a baby we're talking about..."

"I know," he reached out to touch Kagami's cheek, he really thought his lover was cute when he was a little annoyed.  "I'm not saying this will be easy, but we'll pull through it."

Kagami let out a sigh and he seemed to completely deflate, his shoulders sagging and he fell to lean against Aomine.  "I have to give up basketball and after the end of this quarter, I'll have to take off from classes."  Kagami closed his eyes, a tear leaking out, "How am I even going to support having a baby?"

Aomine wrapped his arm tightly around Kagami's shoulders, "Hey, it's not just you.  Didn't I tell you to remember that you're not alone in this?"  Kagami looked up at him and Aomine smiled back at him, "I'm going to be right here with you throughout everything."

"Thank you," Kagami smiled, moving to sit closer to Aomine.  Aomine started to run his fingers through Kagami's hair.  After a moment, Kagami said, "You know... these ears and tail won't go away until after I have the baby..."

"For the entire nine months?"  Aomine was a bit surprised, though he knew that he should've expected it.

Kagami nodded, "Yeah, it's just how this part of my body works..."

Aomine held him tighter, resting his chin over Kagami's head.  "This really is quite the situation I'm in..."

Kagami pulled back, looking at him with wide eyes, "You're in?"

Aomine laughed, reaching up to play with one of Kagami's ears, "Yeah, because with these ears and tail of yours, I can't help but think of so many naughty things I want to do to you."  He moved his hand down to caress Kagami's cheek, "But I don't want to do anything to hurt you or our baby."

Kagami laughed, bringing his hand up to rest over Aomine's.  He nuzzled his cheek into Aomine's hand, "You're really such a perv~"

Aomine chuckled, leaning in to whisper in Kagami's ear, "You are too, otherwise we wouldn't have done it so much when you were fertile."

Kagami blushed so heavily that even his ears turned a little red.  Aomine laughed, pecking Kagami's lips.  Kagami kissed him back, nestling his hands in Aomine's hair.  After a long moment, he pulled back, looking at Aomine's lips, "If we do it right... I think it would be okay..."

Aomine leaned in to kiss Kagami again.

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