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Kagami pulled a baseball cap over his head, wearing it backwards.  He felt like a douche for wearing a hat inside, but it was far better than letting everyone see his ears.  No one would understand, and if on the off chance they did, they would know exactly what situation he was in.  He tucked his tail in his pants too, because he just wasn't ready to face people yet.  He knew he didn't have to do it alone, but he couldn't ask Aomine to give up anything for him.  He didn't want that.  They hadn't even been dating a year and he didn't want Aomine resenting him for the rest of their lives.

He looked at himself in the mirror, he was hidden well enough.  He wasn't sure how he'd make it through the end of the quarter.  At least it was only four more weeks of classes, he might not even have a baby bump by then.  But next quarter, he'd have to just take a break from classes for a while.  He didn't want to be around most people, he didn't want looks from people when they saw his swollen belly.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, everything would be fine.  It would work out somehow.  At least that's what Kagami had to tell himself to be able to get out of the apartment and head to class.

[A/N: sorry it's so super short! I do hope you still like it and I'll have more soon! I'm just too tired at the moment! And I do have some totally adorable feels planned for down the road ;) ]

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